Example sentences of "have be [pos pn] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Having successfully struck out on his own in 1962 , he has since been involved with the South East London Society , and has been its treasurer for the past two years .
2 Former County Donegal coach No. 28 leaves the caravan site that has been its home for 30 years to return to the railway .
3 ‘ It has been her home for well over thirty years and she needs some stability after losing Father .
4 It 's the second time this month , Mrs Jones has been robbed ; this tied cottage has been her home for 72 years .
5 ‘ Jason has been my boss for the last year , and as far as I was concerned a reasonably good one .
6 This has been my home for more than twenty years .
7 " The furniture well , it has been my hobby for many years .
8 Glancing at the ‘ who duz wot ’ bit has been my wont for many an aeon , I spotted an absence .
9 He had a lovely hand , and wrote about him that ‘ this man has been my coachman for a number of years and I have no hesitation in highly recommending him … ’ .
10 ‘ Becoming a Methodist minister has been my ambition for many years .
11 It has been our practise for some time now to give out names addresses and telephone numbers of local teachers to any one making enquiries at promotional events .
12 It has been our policy for the past 12 years to limit investigation of such patients to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy , with endoscopic small bowel biopsy , and barium enema .
13 Peter Bergg , Liberal Democrat candidate for Darlington , said : ‘ Regional government has been our policy for some years now , I 'm flabbergasted by how many of our policies the Labour Party are taking on board at the moment to try and win the middle ground .
14 The craft has been his hobby for the past years , and in that time he has seen it grow immensely in popularity .
15 My man in Alexandria , Fischer , thinks Sau-leyan was n't responsible for his brother 's death , but there 's good reason to believe that Hung Mien-lo has been his man for some time now . ’
16 Asked if he 'd been her boyfriend for long .
17 It may or may not have been his home for any length of time , but it is certainly the only survivor of that contemporary period of timbered houses with thatched roofs which frequently caught fire and were eventually forbidden .
18 Nanny stood on the bridge that spanned the ornamental lake and looked back at the beautiful house that had been her home for the last thirty years .
19 She could n't think now that this had been her home for so long .
20 O'Shea , of Shepherd 's Bush , west London , who had been her boyfriend for several months , admitted to police he strangled her with electrical flex .
21 Hugh Lorimer had been her solicitor for years ; he was also a family friend .
22 Some of the Dutch civilian internees walked out of the camps which had been their prisons for three-and-a-half years , despite instructions to stay inside .
23 ‘ It had been our ambition for some time to see our dominance in the east of Scotland established without doubt by virtue of a presence in Edinburgh , ’ says Heggie .
24 Sparks had been my life for only 16 years , but long before I joined I had admired its style , history and clientele — over a century of selling fine Chinese art , for the past 60 years from that great drawing-room of a shop in Mount Street .
25 I am sure that if I had been his secretary for a fortnight I should have wanted to poison him , not marry him … yes , I should have run round to the chemist 's for threepennyworth of poison after a very short time .
26 She supposed she was perfectly entitled to do that , since she had been his secretary for more than ten years , but for some odd reason it had still made her nerve-ends prickle antagonistically when Eleanor had said his name .
27 He dragged himself from the clump of twitch-grass that had been his hiding-place for the last half hour , and shivering violently , set off on foot to the east .
28 Eleanor was nearly twice the age he felt he deserved , and it had been his ambition for a long time to have a girl just at the point when it became legal .
29 I 've been his servant for twenty years .
30 I 've been his doctor for many years , nearly all his life , I suppose .
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