Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As well as the centre 's fascinating nuclear power exhibition , a packed programme of special events has been arranged for visitors — which is how brave assistant information officer Diane Williams ended up getting the bird !
2 As he said , the principle that there is a privilege against self-incrimination has been recognised for centuries .
3 A Study Skills Handbook ‘ has been written for students whose mother tongue is not English , yet who , for one reason or another are completing a course of study where English is the only language of instruction . ’
4 There is even a copy of the program Chaos , which has been written for beginners as a heuristic aid for designing organic synthesis .
5 The conference theme , ‘ All the Voices ’ , reflects the potential of community radio stations to reinforce the cultural diversity of peoples , and to provide a voice for those whose right to freedom of expression has been denied for centuries .
6 FlexiLoan has been developed for customers who are looking for the freedom to spend , without the rigidity of a fixed loan .
7 A different system has been developed for companies whose product is packed in trays or boxes .
8 Langside 's programme for the general SVQ in technology at level II has been developed for pupils at two local schools , St Ninian 's High School and Woodfarm High School .
9 I attach a copy of that which has been adopted for RIGS in England and Wales .
10 The technique is best suited to hydrothermal systems older than 100 million years and has been proven for deposits as old as 1800 million years .
11 An emergency meeting has been called for clubs leasing stretches of the Macclesfield Canal in a bid to find a solution to an increasing mink problem .
12 On the 85 m long viaduct over the Water of Leith and at other bridges over local roads the original parapet has been raised for reasons of public safety , and lighting is being provided on sections of route in built-up areas .
13 Since the first Red Nose Day in 1985 £70 million has been raised for projects in Africa and the UK .
14 The problem in all such charity-backed schemes is that , whereas cash has been raised for buildings and equipment , somebody is going to have to fund the day-to-day running and staffing .
15 Overall British backing for the relationship was apparently marginally less in 1963 ( 67 per cent ) than in 1952 , though when allowance has been made for differences in the questions asked it would seem that the proportion who were strongly pro-American had actually increased .
16 In addition , they help to explain why it is that the average length of custody imposed by the higher courts is a historically proven index of prison population generally , once allowance has been made for changes in the level of recorded crime ( Home Office , 1956 ; but cf.
17 No allowance has been made for variations in local water — but with a pH between 7 and 8 most bread-and-butter tropicals will survive .
18 Once allowance has been made for variations in cortical function it should then be possible to identify the function of the subcortical area .
19 Throughout the calculation of indirect employment , allowance has been made for leakages attributable to import penetration — particularly in the case of overseas advertising expenditure .
20 CAMPAIGNERS look likely to win their fight for more nursery places in an area of Darlington which they claim has been deprived for years .
21 Unfortunately , only diatomic molecules are easy to study in this way , as larger molecules almost invariably fragment on excitation , but a vast amount of information has been obtained for atoms and diatomic molecules .
22 Funding has been obtained for lecturerships in American History and American Foreign Policy , and the establishment of further posts is planned .
23 The strongly held belief that the teaching of reading is the sole prerogative of the professional ( together with a tenacious preservation of its mystiques ) has been accepted for years .
24 It has been advocated for decades , GCSE has helped the process , but it has taken the pressures generated by the national curriculum to bring an integration of library and subject work .
25 The Conway Valley line as a result has been shut for days .
26 The nation has always been aware of its pre-eminent position , and proud of a moral ascendancy in the political sphere which has been sustained for centuries .
27 McHale plans to use the extra £50,000 he has been given for players ' wages to good effect .
28 That is essentially because of the change in labour relations and the encouragement that has been given for employers and the work force to work together .
29 A similar explanation has been given for imbalances in the rodent fauna from the Pliocene at Laetoli , Tanzania ( Denys , 1985,1986 ) .
30 Up to £40 million per year , for the next five years , has been earmarked for projects that should keep Britain up with research for the next generation of computer systems .
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