Example sentences of "have the [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But Keegan has the man who could poop Leicester 's promotion party , the man Little sold to Newcastle for £250,000 in December .
2 But Keegan has the man who could poop Leicester 's promotion party , the man Little sold to Newcastle for £250,000 in December .
3 The teenage girl may guard her space jealously : if she has the chance she will make it uniquely hers , experimenting with posters , plants , and colours .
4 However , even if the bureau has the typeface it may well not appear on the output due to the vagaries of Apple 's font numbering system .
5 The garden was and still is his paradise and his pride and joy , and whenever Charles has the time he will put on a pair of old trousers , find a spade and get down to some real manual labour .
6 Of course , if one has the belief one would indeed be prepared to say that it does not adequately account for the evolution of animal life , but that is not what one is saying here and now .
7 ‘ Lenin is to blame ’ and ‘ If we had n't had the revolution we would at least be living like people ’ are two typical sentiments .
8 If she 'd had the abortion it would have given us time to do that sort of thing .
9 It was as if the fight with Herman had had the effect she would have expected from eight hours on a contoured mattress and a course of Doc Threadneedle 's pick-me-up shots .
10 He knew that if he had had the courage he would have vowed then and there never to go back , but such courage was not his yet , but was it so bad for a man who could make no sense of how he had come to be where he was to rest his fate on the unknown course of an eagle 's life ?
11 yeah but if she 'd of had the accident they could of said no , she 's got a C D ten on her driving licence , she should n't have been driving it !
12 If he had n't had the business I would have left him within a month .
13 If Isabel had had the energy she would have wiped the solicitous smile off his face .
14 If he had had the strength he would have broken the flute , but his left hand was too weak to apply the necessary force .
15 If you do not have the substance you will fail , even with the help of ‘ media coaches ’ and ‘ image creators ’ .
16 SERAFIN : You mean that if we did n't have the machine she would have to be in here taking a shorthand note ?
17 If the seller is allowed to qualify the warranties by a subjective test such as ‘ in the opinion of the seller ’ , the acquirer will not have the protection it would hope for .
18 If you said please may I have the marmalade it might arrive .
19 I 'll have the whisky I 'll settle for that .
20 The SS-1 supercomputer is nearly finished , but some parts still must be completed , the company told the Milwaukee Sentinel : ‘ In a very short period of time , we could be walking that machine out the door to a customer , ’ a spokesman told the Sentinel — ‘ It 's just a shame that IBM does n't have the vision they ought to have . ’
21 Though he found the new car handled very well , it did n't immediately have the success it might have had in F1 , partly because Jackie missed a number of races after his Spa accident ; it improved the following year with a Cosworth engine , but by then he was already thinking of what his next move in F1 would be .
22 If you 'd rather have the lamb I 'll have chicken .
23 And last but not least on these issues of planning which I think is very important , I 'm glad to get the opportunity to put this thing over to people ; I very much regret the way that planning laws have been weakened so that the local authorities do n't have the power they used to have .
24 Goulding J. made it clear that he was not expressing , on an ex parte application , any decided view of the jurisdictional issue , though he accepted that where orders in personam were concerned it was enough that the court should have the party who must obey its order within its power .
25 Erm well really it 's just what I said , it 's er roughly speaking it 's when er a string of words does n't have the meaning you 'd expect on the basis of the standard semantics of the language , but rather has a fixed different meaning and whenever there 's any apparent structure in it , I E several words , er , their , their normal meanings are irrelevant which is the meaning of the whole phrase .
26 consideration , but if we 're not there having the conversation we wo n't even know that the conversations been l
27 Lack of money prevents us eating properly when we are children , ruins our health , rots our teeth , makes our parents quarrel and take to drink , stops us having the clothes we want , the friends we like , the parties we long for , stops us having the tuition which would enable us to get an education — makes us end up street sweepers and not doctors ; induces women to have babies because there is no money for travel or entertainment , or to leave the parental home any other way : lack of money humiliates us all our lives : lack of money makes us live with husbands or wives we no longer love : lack of money makes us age earlier than we need : makes our hands rough with toil and our brows creased with anxiety : keeps us weeping by day and sleepless by night : the terror in our lives is the bill through the door which ca n't be paid : our lives close in the knowledge of failure — we failed to make enough money .
28 ‘ Unless there 's a big human story wrapped up in it — like the heart transplant bit — it does n't seem to have the interest it might . ’
29 What our staffing levels do n't allow us to do is for the care assistants to have the time they would like just to spend talking to elderly people , talking them write letters , get in touch with their relatives .
30 If you 've the stamina you could fill a week with different ‘ sights ’ , but there 's also a lot to offer the more sedentary visitor .
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