Example sentences of "that [ex0] be [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Nicholas Blurton-Jones of the Institute of Child Health at the University of London , insists that ‘ Whenever we find ourselves wishing to qualify a description with an adverb or an adjective , it is clear that there is something we have failed to describe . ’
2 That there is something he does not know is shown by the fact that if he were to gain his sight , he would come to know something that he previously had not known .
3 The message of our experts is that there IS something you can do about the unsightly , and sometimes painful , form of fat known as cellulite .
4 Ask Dr John Maunder , head of the Medical Entomology Centre at the University of Cambridge , which is the most dangerous parasite we are likely to meet in Britain , and he will say that there is one which afflicts millions of us and has killed 20,000 of us in the past decade .
5 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
6 As a result , there is now a widespread supposition that there is nothing whatever of any theoretical validity or pedagogic value in behaviourist thinking .
7 This shows that there is nothing which the sentence means , taken all by itself .
8 Where an order for possession is made under Ord 24 ( " summary procedure " for recovery of land occupied without licence or consent ) , r 5(4) says that there is nothing which prevents the order for possession being given on a specific date as if the proceedings had been brought by action ( r 5(3) and ( 4 ) .
9 Did you know that there is nothing they like better than to be starved ?
10 Franca said to the doctor , ‘ Dr Hensman , perhaps you could explain to Professor Vallar that there is nothing he can do .
11 One of my greatest frustrations is having to tell my electors , in correspondence and personally , that there is nothing I can do about a proposal because a decision has already been taken somewhere else — albeit by ministers , one of whom is a Member of the House — that there is nothing that anyone can do because the decision has been taken outside these shores , so there is no point in writing to me .
12 Thus the examples of ( 9 ) are acceptable : ( 9 ) your behaviour was barbaric this device is expensive his plan was inspired but impractical Where a prenominal adjective fits equally well with either relationship — ascriptive or associative — to its noun , we find that its occurrence in predicative position is acceptable , but only provided that the relation is taken as being ascriptive ; thus ( 10 ) mentions an individual who either has Greek nationality ( but the nature and region of the business which he or she deals with remain unspecified ) , or is a person who handles affairs connected with Greece ( but who may well be of some quite different nationality , Belgian for example ) ; ( 11 ) however unambiguously tells us that there is someone who falls into the former category : ( 10 ) the Greek representative ( 11 ) the representative is Greek
13 ‘ We still believe that there is someone who knows who this man is . ’
14 One 42-year-old market trader who did not want to be named , said : ‘ It is good to know that there is someone who is doing something about the problem . ’
15 He 's sort of saying , he 's justifying it in , in a very Marxist way , he said this is our duty , what we 're doing is , is , is natural , it 's a process of , of his history you know that there 's nothing we can do avoid this and we should in fact be pleased to see th th this actually taking place , it 's er it 's not a question at all of , of the parents going , peasants going too far , it 's not er a reign of terror at all , erm in fact more than that it , it 's a sort of erm it , it 's not even retribution i it 's a , it 's a course of history .
16 People seem to think either that a burglary wo n't happen to them , or that there 's nothing they can do to stop a really determined thief .
17 If you 're lucky enough to see one at all it will slither off to find a more peaceful rock to sleep under , and since as yet they have n't organised themselves into packs , roaming around looking for people to bite , we can safely say that there 's nothing you will encounter that threatens humans in any way .
18 So , first doublecheck that there 's nothing you are doing or using the amp with or for that could be causing the fault .
19 Besides , by asking me to make the decisions , you have implied that there 's nothing you can do here that my crew and I ca n't .
20 I can tell from the way you 're sparking at me like a green-eyed cat that there 's nothing you 'd like more . ’
21 Erm , now what that means is , if you ca n't answer the question and you 've only got a few lines down then sort of trying t w blur it a little bit and make it waffly so that there 's something we can point to and say that you 've written something , right ?
22 I always go to bed knowing that there 's something I should have done — often the housewife slaves all day and the husband just comes home and puts his feet up .
23 ‘ Now , I 'll get you that coffee — only before that there 's something I 've been waiting to do all day . ’
24 ‘ Apparently , sir , and not best pleased , not that there 's anything he can do about it .
25 ‘ Thank you for trying , ’ I said slowly , ‘ but I do n't really see that there 's anything you can do to help .
26 I was basically told that there was nothing they could do about it , and that if I wanted a harmoniser that worked I would have to buy a separate rack unit .
27 I gathered , however , that they expected it to continue to get worse and that there was nothing they could do except give me vitamins .
28 He thought that she must be feeling a great deal of pain , and that there was nothing he could do about it , and that , if his suspicions were correct , her pain would get a great deal worse …
29 But as his eyes travelled across to Elinor 's crowd , with their frizzy haloes of hair , their flowered dresses and carefully arranged profiles , he realized that there was nothing he could think of to say that would persuade them he was anything other than a boring little man .
30 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
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