Example sentences of "that [ex0] [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Shannon ( 1951 ) demonstrated that there is over 50% redundancy in the English language by investigating the ability of readers to predict what letters were missing from words .
2 What table 4.2 does not show , however , is that there is also variation in length in the /a/ system , which is equally rule-governed .
3 However , it should also be noted that there is also decrease in reaction time between levels of processing of 1 and 2 , which is significant for No answers .
4 Thus it seemed to me clear that the Galatians passage ( that there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , there is no more male and female ) 20 was of the essence of Christianity .
5 So many results are being produced , that there is neither time , nor money to follow them up .
6 Possibly because of computer aided research , so many results are being produced , that there is neither time nor money to follow them up .
7 And therefore I think that there is both progress and regression .
8 Lord Ross added : ‘ This appears to me to emphasise that there is both importance and difficulty in this action which would make it appropriate for the action to be heard in the Court of Session as the supreme court rather than in the sheriff court .
9 It is argued by the Commission that wage flexibility in response to employment conditions may increase with monetary union and that there is already evidence of this for those economies participating in the ERM .
10 And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing .
11 it is in those sectors of the housing market where government has taken most control and which provide cheap accommodation , that there is most restriction on entry for migrants .
12 Pat 's view that there is enough work to er have another complaint examiner really means instead of exec investigators .
13 My only wish is that my winning shows them that there is always hope , and all battles can be won .
14 Second , conventionalism corrects the popular layman 's view that there is always law to enforce .
15 At the time of X-ray , the dog 's ear is tattooed and the X-ray is marked with that tattoo number so that there is always proof of the dog 's soundness .
16 The message that again and again comes through the pages of history , is that humanity must arrange its political affairs in such a manner that there is always room for a religious life in some form for those who want it .
17 I therefore welcome his belated decision to take part in a full debate and the fact that he is now — I quote him from last week — keen to acknowledge that there is always room for constitutional change .
18 This means that there is always uncertainty in our observation of the very small : we can ascertain either the position or the state of motion of a subatomic particle , but not both simultaneously , because our observation of the particle will affect it . )
19 This ensures that everyone 's interest can be engaged and that there is never time for the class to get bored .
20 He will argue that there is only Jordan to cross , and he may well be supported by those who fear the consequences for Labour of a new bloodletting .
21 One thing you might have noticed , though , is that there is only Heather who actually wants to sit next to Gowie .
22 Partly this is because management has placed limitations on who can operate the VDUs , and partly the layout of the plant is such that there is only space for four cars between each work station .
23 The point cams mark the edge of the pattern knitting and are positioned so that there is only space for the ‘ B ’ pattern to be knitted .
24 Officials at Robert Gordon 's University in Aberdeen have told Sheena Falconer , a senior lecturer , that there is only room for one textile lecturer 's post within the School of Food and Consumer Studies .
25 Providing we assume that there is still contraction in one direction and expansion in the other ( which we can no longer prove but which appears to be true ) the same analysis will hold .
26 Saxton Bampfylde represents a more recent example of a breakaway this time from John Stork — suggesting that there is still scope for start-ups in headhunting .
27 If after that the prime manager finds that there is still opposition to a management plan , losses must be cut and the required action put in hand , come what may .
28 Only if you do that will you be able to say with confidence that I am wrong , that what I am suggesting has not yet come to pass , that there is still time .
29 Will my hon. Friend confirm that there is still time for various groups , whether environmental or road safety , to respond to the Government 's proposals ?
30 I confirm that there is still time for organisations to respond to our proposals and we expect more representations during the consultation period .
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