Example sentences of "that [pos pn] [noun pl] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So , it came as something of a disappointment when a Ms Mel Chevannes , who ran a black supplementary school in the West Midlands , wrote to the Wolverhampton Express and Star to protest at my testing ‘ hypotheses that black people are ‘ happy-go-lucky or very physical in their outlook ’ ’ and that my aims were to ‘ damage even further the life chances of black children ’ ( 25 June 1980 ) .
2 Feeling a little like I imagined a tomb-robber might feel , but knowing that my motives were of the very best , I relocked both doors and left without a backward glance .
3 Sated with a whole morning of freedom and indulgence , work seemed almost a pleasure , the more so in that my students were in the same post-prandial daze as myself All serious business was dispatched in the morning .
4 I could n't find out anything about him , not even where he lived , though I told him my entire address ( 17 Daffodil Cottages , Bourton-on-the-Water ) and my age ( nineteen ) and that my parents were in Saudi Arabia where my father was computerising oil production .
5 Having said this , I am still as ever quite prepared to show any curious , doubting lady ( providing she be attractive ) that my credentials are in order …
6 Thus , perhaps , I believe that my children are at present playing in the garden at home , and I have good reasons for this belief .
7 I shall treat my own family in the same way , disregarding the fiction that my children are in some mystical way an extension of myself .
8 ‘ I was greatly heartened and told myself I must previously have misjudged the situation — that my subjects were after all behind me and would see that right was done . ’
9 I could see her now that my eyes were in the shadow of a branch .
10 Indeed , one of the strengths of fundamentalism is that its apologetics are within the reach of the average man and woman .
11 Spencer Stuart 's business in London and Manchester owes much of its success to its Britishness , to the fact that its consultants are at home in even the most conservative Boardrooms ; the firm works in direct contrast to the style apparently adopted by Korn/Ferry , for instance .
12 The Foreign Ministry announced on April 19 , 1989 , that the Soviet press agency Novosti would be allowed to reopen its office in Berne on condition that its activities were within the normal range of a news agency 's functions .
13 Is it Eleanor 's notion or mine that sex in itself is a drug : that its effects are like heroin ?
14 The 20-year campaign to clean up Lake Vänern in southern Sweden has been so successful that its waters are in danger of becoming sterile — too clean for fish and plants .
15 Newham council says that its residents are in favour of the scheme , but will they still support it when they learn that 1,000 homes in Stratford will be at risk from settlement when the railway line goes into a shallow tunnel because of the geological conditions in the area ?
16 The Mandal report was shelved by successive Congress ( I ) governments during the 1980s and V. P. Singh 's announcement in early August that its recommendations were to be implemented startled all sections of Indian society .
17 But it points out that its representatives were in September already handing out a booklet to GPs ‘ which included the studies on elderly patients ’ reported to the Paris symposium .
18 Even so , there are signs that its inmates were under pressure from the king and his officials .
19 Johnson 's account acknowledges the woman 's pastoral existence , and he dignifies her with a detailed report , pointing out that her circumstances were by no means on the lowest and most impoverished social scale .
20 The main plot of the story becomes more interesting towards the end when Carrie realises that her powers are without limit .
21 Now that her sons were off her hands , and Olivia , at twelve , the only one of the children whose education was not completed , Dinah felt able to dismiss the tutor and his wife , with a warmly written reference for long and faithful service .
22 Despite this she continued to wheeze daily and thought that her inhalers were of no benefit .
23 She owned that her insides were in a mammoth flutter , but there were several reasons for that .
24 My conclusion of the strength of her faith is that her convictions are in fact not so deep-seated or so fundamental as to constitute an immutable decision by her as to her way of life — or her way of death .
25 Her pink flying suit had two dirty orbs where her backside had imprinted itself on the ground and I noticed for the first time that her trainers were at least size 9 ( men 's ) .
26 They felt that their students are in the caring field and ‘ ought naturally to empathise with students with severe learning difficulties ’ .
27 Children need to feel that their parents are in control ; it makes them feel safer .
28 Rather , it is to emphasise that their members are in general uninformed about it ; and that even where they are not uninformed , they are for the most part unversed in it .
29 Buyers would also have to be satisfied that their documents were in order .
30 Gradually they realised that their chances were at par , and dropped off , though wistfully .
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