Example sentences of "that [subord] she have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She went on to say that although she 'd done what she could from her Oxford home , and encouraged her friends to do the same , eventually she just had to pack and go to Orkney .
2 We stopped again to buy olive oil and garlic , for Lili said that although she had vowed not to interfere she was going to cook dinner and , while my mother would complain , she would be grateful in the end .
3 But she did not realize that although she had broken an accepted social rule , she had done nothing against nature .
4 None the less the brisk , no-nonsense manner implied that once she had found what , if any , they might be , like the good feminist she was , she would be out there dealing with them .
5 And to think that once she had accused him of having a shard of ice in his heart — some wound from previous love affairs that prevented him from ever revealing his real feelings to any woman .
6 I ca n't bring myself to tell her that if she 'd stayed dead her views might have carried more weight .
7 Puts , but she knew that if she 'd bought me one with all those buttons , I 'd off just confused her
8 Emily went pink , reflecting that if she 'd had charge of this youth in his formative years , things might have been different .
9 I gazed at her , thinking that if she had appeared gentler I might have ventured to say something to her on Victor 's behalf .
10 ‘ I decided that if she had run away she must have gone somewhere where it would be very difficult to find her .
11 Yet she also knew that if she had succumbed to her longing she would not have been satisfied , knowing what she now knew of the terrible difficulties of love .
12 Yet even as one half of her mind speculated on its significance , the other half reminded her that if she had stumbled on this odd circumstance , then the police would almost certainly have done so in the course of their routine enquiries and , since Barney was still their prime suspect , found a satisfactory explanation .
13 She knows that if she had pointed this out to William , and expressed her own wish to take child , and papers , to the Common , William would obligingly have offered to stay at home and chop carrots and peel potatoes and keep an eye on the lamb in the oven .
14 The irony of her life is that if she had enjoyed a happy marriage these qualities may have remained dormant .
15 She understood then that if she had had leisure to listen at the right moment , she might have heard the faint , suggestive sounds of a third presence .
16 Rowbotham ( 1973 ) feels that if she had read Reich earlier , life would have been easier .
17 During Key Biscayne , Jennifer was asked if she agreed with Monica Seles ' current belief that if she had known then , what she knows now , what life on the tennis circuit would be like , she would not have started at such an early age .
18 She felt so dreadfully sorry for him that if she had tried to utter a word she would have broken down .
19 It was an attitude she had encountered before admittedly — from people who assumed that because she had grown up in hotels , she had been able to enjoy all the comforts afforded to the customers .
20 She reported that since she had left hospital her parents had been more sympathetic towards her .
21 When she had said that before she had meant it , but now she realised she was lying ; she was wanting to make him feel better and she was also hanging on to her old life to feel safe .
22 So troubled was he for a girl who , after all , was of age , high-spirited and clever , that after she had gone , and Matey had answered reflectively when he had asked her if she knew where McAllister was going , ‘ I do n't know .
23 Michael Lee was well used to Katherine 's preference for darkened rooms ; when had had first started work for her , he had done some research and discovered that when she had operated in Dublin , she had never appeared in public during the daylight hours and always met her business associates in darkened rooms , where she was known only as Madam Kitten .
24 Miss Armstrong said that when she had visited Wolsingham Comprehensive School , one of the first users of the Echo on CD-Rom , she had been kept on her toes by the fact that the pupils were well-informed about things she had said and done .
25 She had looked twice that when she had limped into her cousin Mandy 's apartment in Vernon , in the Okanagan Valley , burnt out , exhausted , disillusioned and emotional .
26 It was something of a relief , however , that when she had finished a final small ice-cream , and drunk a cup of coffee , Ven called for the bill .
27 She found herself thinking that when she had forced herself to read how and when Oreste had died she would take her sleeping baby and drown both him and herself forthwith .
28 He hated the way she said to him , ‘ Tell me tomorrow darling , I must fly now , ’ and the way that when she 'd waved Bye-bye and got into the taxi , she immediately opened her bag and took out her mirror and comb , and did n't look at you again , even if the taxi did n't move for ages , because the man was changing the meter or talking into his radio .
29 I was talking to a screw one day and she was telling me that when she 'd wanted to get work in prison she thought she 'd be there to help prisoners .
30 For the truth was that she 'd been offered promotion a dozen times — in spite of the fact that when she 'd started as a trainee she 'd had no formal training , no experience , nothing to commend her but a fistful of ambition .
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