Example sentences of "that [det] who [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was assumed that many who appeared on the box had been to drama school .
2 Mrs Thatcher had been such a dominant political figure for so long , her approach to politics so radical , that all who served with her were stuck with a general defence of her record .
3 It was Mama , though , who wore it in the painting halfway up the great staircase — so that all who passed by could see it and admire .
4 The danger is still there , however , especially if colleagues in adult services are under the impression that all who work with children are slightly fragile — and ‘ potty ’ with it .
5 One , the work of local historian Philip Davies , remembers that all who flew from RAF Llandow , a former fighter OTU and Maintenance Unit .
6 This can best be seen in the demand made by princes who had subscribed to the treaty that those who lived in their lands should do the same .
7 What I 'm really searching for is a bit more evidence from the C , all participants as to why the principle of expanding an exis existing settlement has been rejected , I well appreciate that those who lived in the settlement that was chosen would not like it , but that 's not the point I 'm getting at , is there nothing in this principle of building on what 's there ?
8 Also it might be that those who suffer from SAD differ from most people only because they are more susceptible than the rest of the population to feeling ‘ under the weather ’ when they do not see daylight , particularly in the morning .
9 The New Zealand experience suggests that those who proceed with ‘ open ’ adoption are not altogether the same as those who would have done so under the more traditional approach .
10 Defection is , of course , a two-way trade but there is no reason to think that those who go from the West to the East are any more valuable or enjoy a rewarding lifestyle .
11 Further , it is noticeable that those who speak of a ‘ suffering God ’ tend to employ rather different language when they speak of ‘ God in action ’ , as the report of the Doctrine Commission illustrates .
12 Now the consensus among gerontologists is that those who survive into their sixties mostly retain quite a high degree of fitness into their mid-seventies .
13 Not all will necessarily agree with the suggestion that those who fight in wars are historically more important than the wars themselves .
14 Windley intended that the first camp should be started just before the next batch of moran formed their manyattas , so that those who passed through it would then be an influence for good on their fellows .
15 It has been suggested that those who lied to the pollsters , for whatever reason , later recoiled in horror when starkly confronted with the implication of their mendacity — Glenys Kinnock in Number 10 — and voted Tory .
16 Most people seem to think that those who fall for gambling are loners , haunting a twilight world of their own because they ca n't relate to others .
17 Indeed , I believe that those who insist on scaremongering have done themselves and the NHS no good by concentrating on the privatisation scare . ’
18 The only point to note in this system of allocation is that those who bid in excess of the striking price will have priority in allocation where the issue has been oversubscribed .
19 The old-fashioned objected that it was dangerous to eyesight , and that those who read by candlelight did not need spectacles , but one can not imagine that Jane Austen was among them .
20 Perhaps he guessed as much : certainly he seems to have been surprised by the success of the play.s But that success was more or less assured : his reputation and authority were such that those who went to the theatre went , as a matter of course , to see Eliot .
21 Indeed Jesus warned that those who came with an attitude of exclusive nationalism or spiritual complacency were in danger of being thrown out ( Matt.
22 He believed there was a future for Swanage and therefore he had striven for a great number of years to improve it — ( laughter ) — but he was very glad that those who came from afar were pleased and satisfied .
23 With one of the highest rates of college and university entry in the world it appears that those who get to elite positions , do so through individual effort , and merit is thus properly rewarded .
24 Let us hope that those who bay for Mr Rushdie 's blood may be encouraged towards a less aggressive form of literary criticism .
25 It has already been mentioned that those who serve in the House have an opportunity to put wrongs right .
26 I have referred to the complicated question of administration , which will require careful drafting , but we want to try to ensure that those who serve in the voluntary reserve forces are available when they are needed and that their position is properly protected .
27 I am immensely gratified that those who participate in the activities of co-operation between the RUC and Garda Siochana say that the quality of co-operation is at its highest point for 30 years .
28 He did so partly in order that those who looked to him for a lead would have no doubts about where he stood .
29 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
30 Nonetheless , Hart is highly critical of Devlin 's identification of society with its shared morality and he further accuses Devlin of conceiving of morality as a ‘ seamless web ’ , so that those who deviate from one part of it are almost bound to deviate from the whole .
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