Example sentences of "that [vb past] [pron] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Know that the Lord is God , it is he that made us and we are his .
2 Longings that led it where it went
3 Come and see the thing that met us when we rode in here six days ago . ’
4 Even though she was making light of it , Charlie could n't mistake the fire that animated her when she reached his entries for the final night of Christine Ashdown 's brief career .
5 The mentality that got me where I was , then held me back . ’
6 Did you have any experience of a kind that helped you before you came to drama school ?
7 This monolith sat atop an escarpment which accommodated the raking of the auditorium and the levelled hardcore of a car park , and cast its long shadow over an adjacent bit of parkland , a cosy corner of scrub , stream and wood that drew me and my friends to it like a magnet .
8 As the host of an all-night radio show , Shepard would commune with his insomniac listeners in a way that assured them that they , the ‘ night people ’ , were the ones really in tune with life .
9 ‘ I 'm — fond of Travis — very fond , ’ she stated , then caught the dangerous glint in her employer 's eye that assured her that her prevarication was n't going down too well .
10 She said that everything was ordered , and that pleased me because I had to carry it all .
11 The first mother to tell her sad story was clearly upset ; Mrs H described the knock at the door that woke her and her invalid husband at seven o'clock .
12 You can not conceive of the feelings that consumed me when I understood — or rather when I thought I understood — why you had come tonight , when you said you wanted to share your happiness with me , wanted to give me something .
13 ‘ Where are you going , Rose ? ’ he asked in a tone that told her that he knew he had gone too far but she continued on her way .
14 ‘ It was not Mrs Greville 's word , ’ said Sally-Anne , goaded unwisely into further indiscretion , still trying to break free , ‘ it was your handwriting — the same that told me that I was the light of your life and that you loved me dearly . ’
15 All about running for trains they could n't catch or being sat on by scaly monsters , and they got hold of books that told you that it meant Sex .
16 So that told us that we had better get a full-scale defence working immediately . ’
17 I wanted to meet Peruvians and speak to them one to one ; and in Cuzco I encountered only the persistence of hawkers , the sullen attention of displaced campesinos , a world that turned itself or me into shadows .
18 The applicant had to sign agreement to a statement that confirmed he or she was not less than eighteen years of age , and they understood that the bank reserved the right to decline the application without being required to state any reason , and that no correspondence would be entered into in those circumstances .
19 But even Joanna 's courage was shaken at the sight and sounds that confronted them when they mounted to the walkway at the top of the curtain wall .
20 Two days into the journey then met with torrential rain in northern Italy ; this was only to serve as a sign of things to come ; the icy roads and driving snow that faced them as they climbed the Alps !
21 From the opening , during the cold New York winter of 1967 , the queues extending round the block outside Manhattan cinemas consisted mostly of young people hugging themselves and each other , and stamping their feet to keep warm , full of the expectation of seeing a movie that addressed them and their problems .
22 Even that surprised me until I found out afterwards that George had known about it all along ; I suppose they did n't want to risk him bringing it up first .
23 One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it was always talking about a Dark Power in the universe — a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease , and sin .
24 Rhodri Jones , brother of Swansea 's Robert , replaces Chris Bridges at scrum-half in a move that surprised him but it is in the centres where Neath have been stretched .
25 says that I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
26 I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
27 I was the one that killed it and I did n't .
28 The houses were surrounded by gardens , some with a little front wall , and some with high laurel hedges , or holly trees that scratched you as you walked by .
29 A man is the history of his breaths and thoughts , acts , atoms and wounds , love , indifference and dislike ; also of his race and nation , the soil that fed him and his forebears , the stones and sands of his familiar places , long-silenced battles and struggles of conscience , of the smiles of girls and the slow utterance of old women , of accidents and the gradual action of inexorable law , of all this and something else too , a single flame which in every way obeys the laws that pertain to Fire itself , and yet is lit and put out from one moment to the next , and can never be relumed in the whole waste of time to come .
30 They 're sense of self is such that they do n't see that they have a self to assert , perhaps , or that they are not valid enough as a person , which obviously must stem erm from their early childhood experiences , and from the adults that surrounded them when they were growing and developing that sense of who they are .
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