Example sentences of "that [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She could feel the hard muscles of his body pressing against her side , his arm sheltering her in a way that made her trust him .
2 Something — that same gut instinct that made her get his address alerted her .
3 There was something in the quality of his quiet , confiding tone that made her feel there was an intimacy between them .
4 He curled his arm round Claudia 's waist , smiling at the receptionist in a way that made her assure him she would keep his secret .
5 But it was not bashfulness that made her avert her eyes ; it was a deeper , stronger feeling : one that she tried to hide not only from the watchful T'ang , but from herself .
6 There was something in his voice that made her believe he was not speaking from malice himself .
7 It was n't really very bad but it was a dull ache that made her realise she would never get to sleep .
8 It was only her own hyped-up state that made her goad him .
9 The first I new was Chris 's sudden , shocked screaming , with an urgency that made me drop what I was doing and run across the room to the open verandah .
10 The thing that made me feel he was more normal was this little bit of dialogue .
11 I failed the Eleven-Plus — that horrible thing and that made me feel I was n't any good .
12 anyhow that made me feel there was no future in Plymouth for that , so this opportunity came , I came and when I got here they did n't carry any sergeants so I would of had to move again if I wanted promotion , which I was n't prepared to do for this , mainly for his education , unfortunately the
13 It was a Frankie Howerd interview that made me realise I do not even want one .
14 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
15 And though he was never to make such almost innocent remarks again , and though Eva and Dad continued to want to make love all the time , and I caught her giggling while she did idiotic things with him , like snipping the hair in his ears and nostrils with a huge pair of scissors , there were looks that escaped all possible policing , looks that made me think he was capable only of a corrupted happiness .
16 Perhaps it was despair that made me believe there was one person in the world who might know that I was in despair .
17 I saw nothing that made me dislike her .
18 ‘ There was something about him that made me know he was the best revue star we had . ’
19 It was you that made me like him .
20 It was guilt that made him do it .
21 He 'd gone with one once , after a party , back to a flat with a friend of Dave 's , who 'd laughed at him and had eyes that made him feel he was being drawn into something he could n't stop , and when she shed her clothes and left them discarded on the floor he 'd stared , open-mouthed , aware of the noise inside his head , something to do with what he 'd drunk , he could still hear the music , and was aware too of the smell of some cologne that merged with hairspray and covered something that he did not want to know about , the dirt and dust of the room and the female odours that half-attracted and repelled him .
22 ‘ It was the clothes , you see , that made him think she was Egyptian .
23 ‘ And then they painted the walls of his office with a chemical that made him lose his mind , ’ she was saying to her brother Phil , who was sitting next to her .
24 Perhaps it was that , or frustration , or , more probable still , a queer kind of prudery — he would rather his mother thought him a brute than realize what we had been up to — that made him hit me .
25 It was only the sun , flashing briefly on her bleached hair , that made him shade his eyes and look again in that direction .
26 ( 167b ) * That made him have everything finished earlier , Cotte thus feels the same impression as that described above : antecedent vs concurrent causation .
27 Clare Short , Labour MP for Ladywood , who raised the issue in the Commons in January , said : ‘ I think the West Midlands Police were trying to brush the matter under the carpet and it was only pressure from MPs and the media that made them do anything . ’
28 Any other things that made it made it difficult for you to read ?
29 ‘ Perhaps you were thinking about Finn 's hand and that made you think you saw a hand ? ’
30 He thought he could hear voices now ; silvery , gentle voices , dark voices , that made you think you might be being watched .
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