Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [vb mod] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Francis Bacon predicted to Michael Wishart that Minton would invite him to share it , as Wishart was then living with relations in the country and sleeping occasionally on the sofa in Bacon 's studio .
2 A NEW MP is hoping that Middlesbrough can join him on the promotion trail this season .
3 He looked at Killion as if urging him to argue so that Woolley could knock him down .
4 iii.302 ) and swears fidelity to him : — yet as soon as they have left the scene he turns to us and shows his loathing and contempt : That Othello should trust him , merely makes him a gull : ‘ He holds me well ; /The better shall my purpose work on him ’ ( 392f . ) .
5 Harry was already convinced that Ann would give him a son .
6 Now he looked over at Cameron , taking stock of the quizzical lift of his right eyebrow when he looked out below his black fringe , the down-turn of his mouth under his long curved nose , and began to recapitulate his argument with care , uncomfortably aware that Angus might think he was trying not to sound drunk .
7 Jody forms an instant bond with sad-eyed Fergus ( Rea ) , a friendship made in the knowledge that Fergus must kill him .
8 ‘ She never knew ’ , said Gran , ‘ that Jake 'd leave him to come looking for her , and ne'er see him grown .
9 All the same , it took a rather special sense of self to turn down an England trial at the age of 19 on the grounds that Scotland might want him instead .
10 The Shah himself could not believe that Hassan would throw him out .
11 Essential to Trent 's possibilities of survival was that Louis should believe him ignorant of the death sentence already passed .
12 Artai 's name was the sole nomination , and instead of a proposing speech by one of the Khans there was a reading by a court secretary of the portion of Nogai 's will in which he expressed the wish that Artai should succeed him .
13 Actually he is rather pleased that Rose should see he has friends as eccentrically impressive as Phil , and that Phil should see he is having an affair with someone as solid and opaque as Rose , whose aunt as a girl in Oxford knew several famous philosophers .
14 He had always known that Graham would find him again one day .
15 If Joseph gave him an exhibition it could make a huge difference to Leary 's reputation , yet she wondered how likely it was that Joseph would help him .
16 ‘ It is totally wrong that RTE should allow him or her on the Birthday Show . ’
17 The least he deserved in return was that Harry should tell him all he knew .
18 In February 1963 the CDU lost a humiliating third of their vote in the Berlin election , and in April Adenauer acknowledged that Erhard should succeed him .
19 Actually he is rather pleased that Rose should see he has friends as eccentrically impressive as Phil , and that Phil should see he is having an affair with someone as solid and opaque as Rose , whose aunt as a girl in Oxford knew several famous philosophers .
20 Trent had no doubt that Miguelito would kill him and enjoy doing so — revenge for whatever had happened to him in a US jail and for the gringo widow-woman having put him there .
21 He stood up , hoping that Jordan would see him out .
22 Iago can turn anything into its opposite : under his tuition even Othello becomes a hypocrite , with difficulty — ‘ O , hardness to dissemble ! ’ he says ( III.iv.34 ) , like Coriolanus , feigning ‘ a salt and sorry rheum ’ so that Desdemona will give him the handkerchief ( III.iv.51 f . ) .
23 He drank it , she dandled him on her knee ; presently his eyes closed and he slept again , so that Mary could return him to his cradle .
24 But had n't he thought that Spiderglass would save him somehow , plug him in to the endless dance of electrons ?
25 ‘ We 're ready for you , now , ’ Bloxham said , indicating that Dowd should join him in the lift .
26 Blagg 's touching faith that Maxim would save him from murder charges in two countries might at least mean that he would stay where he was and do nothing — for once .
27 Now he knew that the Darkfall effect did have the answer to those questions and that Bissell could give him those answers .
28 So that John would not be alone in England , Herbert suggested that Grace should take him there , her daughter Peg also accompanying them .
29 It may be that Isambard will let him go for a price .
30 She had always known that Liza could twist him round her little finger .
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