Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Lorna Woodroffe gave them a great send off by defeating Mandy Wainwright ( Essex ) , the National 's 16 's champion , 6–3 , 6–4 , Wainwright gained revenge in the doubles , which was the only reverse that Woodroffe suffered in the series .
2 He certainly used methods of etching and aquatinting that Sandby introduced from the continent .
3 His widow , Betty , told Esquire that MacDonald worked on the team for only a year before he was fired by Hill .
4 The title ‘ administrative criminology ’ is of significance in that it is the title that Vold gave to the classical criminology of Beccaria and Bentham ( as we saw in Chapter 1 ) .
5 It is curious that it should have happened , that Michel came upon the scene the very instant she was really free for the first time in her life .
6 This obstinate refusal to be a conformist explains not only the difficulties of integration that Nizan experienced within the party , but also — and this needs stressing — underlines the extent to which he succeeded in retaining intellectual autonomy and integrity within the party itself .
7 There can be little doubt that Nizan departed for the Soviet Union in January 1934 in a crusading spirit .
8 The moral justice that Nizan attributed to the Soviet state was heightened by the rise of fascism on the international scene , by the need for a popular front anti-fascist movement .
9 So blackly venomous was his expression that Perdita fled towards the next pitch , scattering the polo balls which lay like a hatch of goose eggs near the goal posts .
10 Even ITN has had to turn to CNN for some footage of the Gulf , but that does n't cause Phillis any problems : ‘ I 'm a great admirer — Turner 's done a marvellous job , ’ adding that while the US network has received plaudits for its Gulf coverage , it is merely returning the coverage that ITN provided of the Conservative leadership contest .
11 The second impact came , like the slamming of a huge underground steel door … and just like the sound that Cardiff remembered from the basement .
12 It is significant that Kerschensteiner insisted on the practical and the theoretical being part of the same syllabus , with the former leading on to an appreciation of the latter : it meant that ‘ civic virtues ’ had to be practised in order for them to become meaningful .
13 We only possess one piece of information with which to lend precision to the general statement that Richard went through the rebels ' lands with fire and sword , capturing and demolishing their fortresses , and this suggests that Geoffrey de Rancon 's castle of Taillebourg was once again at the centre of events .
14 She knew that Richard came from the castle and understood that his family was the family to which all the others deferred , but now instead of intimidating her Richard 's status seemed to impart a sense of protection .
15 Banknote paper was then prepared with a colouring agent made from cobalt , silex , salt and potash : if you set light to a bundle of money , the cinder would take on the extraordinary tint that Musgrave saw on the Caen dockside .
16 His expression was inscrutable , but his hands were clenched so tightly into fists that Meredith marvelled at the man 's ability to keep the muscles of his face so impassive .
17 In the last a frontal foot shows that Hermes stood on the right above the head of the emerging monster , like Athena in fig. 121 ; and the placing of the hero is very similar though the movement ( straight across the field as in the other ) is pulling instead of pushing .
18 Press reports noted that Mugabe had during the March 1990 general election campaign promised public-sector pay increases and salary restructuring , but that senior staff had been the main beneficiaries .
19 During the interim decision on the AWA negligence case against Deloitte Ross Tohmatsu — in which AWA had alleged that DRT contributed to the $50m in foreign exchange losses the company suffered — trial judge Mr Justice Rogers asked the court why it should be that ‘ the whole burden of possibly insolvent wrongdoers falls entirely on a well-insured , or deep-pocket , defendant ’ ?
20 This is because when the tetrads that Michell found on the one-inch map are investigated on a 6-inch sheet , they become distressingly ‘ crooked ’ .
21 It is the more remarkable that Pound , no more than any one else for fifty years after Hardy died , pondered the Virgilian epigraph that Hardy put at the head of his ‘ Poems of 1912–13 ’ , originally in Satires of Circumstance , ( London , 1914 ) .
22 The USSR became India 's main external source of weaponry and rendered extensive economic aid ; Soviet support was in part a response to the support that Pakistan received from the Chinese , with whom the Indians had an unresolved border dispute .
23 Jenkins is observant , and knowledgeable on strategy , as when the reports on Gooch 's plans for containing Salim Malik , or draws one of the key post-match lessons that Pakistan paid in the end for their lack of a medium-pace bowler .
24 The two examples that Picasso owned on the other hand could certainly be called primitive , both in conception and execution .
25 The Forum Gallery has gathered a group of paintings , drawings and pastels by Walkowitz , on view until 17 October and if you hurry you can catch a show of drawings that Walkowitz did of the dancer Isadora Duncan until 9 October at Zabriskie .
26 It is understood that GGT pitched for the company 's media business as early as last August , without LH-S ' knowledge , and the decision to move the account was taken before Christmas .
27 It was not until the last note of the closing music had died away that Bella clicked off the set .
28 The most likely explanation is that the illness which took his life within ten days of his baptism in Rome on 10 April 689 was of long standing and that Caedwalla abdicated in the knowledge that his health was failing .
29 Lance Percival was in the audience the night that Ken descended on the stage from a rope , curled up his lips , flared his nostrils and in the snide voice he had used a hundred times in the Hancock shows slipped in a ‘ Hello ’ that had the Williams fans rolling .
30 I know someone there who 's still trying to classify a few of the South American crabs that Darwin left to the Museum .
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