Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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31 Economic indicators show that Cheshire claims to be one of the richest counties in the North of England , with hourly earnings considerably higher than the average for England as a whole .
32 She was often out all evening and did not reappear until the small hours , so that it was not until the next day , not until the next evening , that Anna began to be alarmed at her absence .
33 Hebrews 2 contains a fascinating idea that Jesus had to be made human in order to overcome death for us ; that is to say , he pioneered our way through the deep waters of death .
34 In Mark and Matthew 's Gospels , the charge brought to Pilate was that Jesus claimed to be ‘ the King of the Jews ’ .
35 Merely the fact that Adam happens to be there , too .
36 ‘ Right here , ’ she said seeing that Rose seemed to be about to drive on , unthinking .
37 Both also gave prominence to the fact that Blanche happened to be at TV London at the time of the murder and had taken charge of the case .
38 Or maybe you can say that Mellor wanted to be the captain , but she was for sure the admiral .
39 What he did know was that Joe liked to be surrounded by young men .
40 Damned good luck that Calder happened to be available this morning , was n't it ? ’
41 ‘ I mentioned to the master that Adèle wanted to be introduced to the ladies , and he asked you to bring her down to meet them this evening . ’
42 AI is concerned that Ahmadis continue to be charged , convicted and given prison terms solely for the peaceful exercise of their religious beliefs .
43 A lot of their songs have so much personality that Mike has to be the one that plays it live . ’
44 Carlson said to the driver and the security guards that Kopyion wished to be left alone .
45 I do find it extraordinarily difficult to see how it [ women 's ordination as priests ] is consonant with the time and place that God chose to be incarnate .
46 But if we ( rightly ) say that God has to be unchangeable we do not mean he is static any more than if we say ‘ The Equator ’ is not the name of a poison we mean that it is safe to eat it .
47 But does this not mean that God has to be affected by what happens in the world and that the challenges and frustrations which the world 's freedom continually presents to Him force ever new responses from Him , so that He is continually changing ?
48 ‘ He was aware that Oz had to be diverse ’ , observes David Widgery , ‘ and that there was an interesting debate going on between the hippies and the politicos .
49 He was a welder that used to help us make up er special tools and things to break down tyres with and the little four-wheeled trailer with it , B-Seventeen wheels on it that Billy has in was made by him .
50 At the end of 1952 the British government ( now Conservative ) decided that Mossadeq had to be removed .
51 Until the early sixties Khomeini spent his life in the holy city of Qom , where he taught law , philosophy and ethics , insisting that Islam had a commitment to social and political causes and that Iran had to be independent of both Eastern and Western colonialism .
52 Claiming that some weapons equipment " could be diverted to civilian use " , Aziz stressed that Iraq had to be allowed to establish civilian industries which would " benefit our people " .
53 With the Turks at the gates of Vienna as late as the seventeenth century , it is not surprising that Bohemia came to be half-forgotten by Western Europe .
54 I was struck by the fact that Cornwall seems to be overspending on roads and underspending on its schools .
55 Where is it written that Thatcher has to be consistent ?
56 When Laura complained at breaktime that Peter had done the same again , pushing her towards the broken tiles which had recently been blown off the junior hall roof , Janice felt that Peter needed to be shown that what he had done was dangerous and unacceptable .
57 One of the most baffling phenomena in the debate about Europe is that Britain seems to be the only country worried about national sovereignty .
58 And after that rather cryptic last sentence , he was silent , which meant that Belinda chose to be so as well .
59 The problem is that Taurus tried to be too nice to everyone and did n't tread too hard on the banks ’ toes . ’
60 With growing awareness — and wariness — he had started to notice that Sandra worked at being what he wanted her to be , or at least what she presumed he wanted her to be .
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