Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In response to criticism that SCS would be damaged by amalgamation with the smaller and less successful Edmonton Society , he argued that the SCS
2 But to make certain that MacDonald would be chosen , he had to be sure of his own party and the Liberals .
3 Samuel strongly advised that MacDonald should be persuaded to stay on as head of the existing government or some " reconstituted " Labour Cabinet or , failing these alternatives , of a National government made up of members of the three parties ; the necessary but unpalatable economies affecting the working class could best be imposed by a Labour government .
4 They argue that Superfund might be improved , but should not be swept away .
5 It has been shown that 5-ASA can be detected in the colonic mucosa , but only in its acetylated form .
6 In the leadership elections scheduled for mid-February 1992 it was expected that Peres would be challenged by Rabin .
7 The defence argument was solely that Caldwell could be distinguished on the grounds that in DPP v K there was a gap between the accused 's act and the injury , an argument which the court rejected .
8 He had told them that Whitlock would be promoted to Deputy Director when he retired at the end of the year .
9 Sugar , in his sworn statement , said : ‘ Venables said what usually happens is that people would meet Clough in a motorway cafe somewhere , and that Clough would be handed a bag of money . ’
10 ‘ He said what usually happens is that people would meet Clough in a motorway cafe somewhere , and that Clough would be handed a bag of money , ’ said Sugar .
11 There was no hint that Waringstown would be kept down to such a moderate total when Shane Harrison and Brian Sturgeon put on 46 for the first wicket .
12 Some experts believe that Germany would be required to sign a treaty with Britain , France and the Soviet Union before they withdraw from Berlin .
13 Then , paradoxically , the US-Soviet treaty of 1987 which removed intermediate nuclear weapons from Europe also led to renewed worries that Germany would be left undefended by America if war did break out .
14 Both Dalton and Alexander , the First Lord of the Admiralty , argued at meetings of the committee that Germany should be deprived of war-making industries , though not to the extent of the ‘ pastoralisation ’ proposed by Henry Morgenthau , the US Secretary of the Treasury , and accepted for a time by Churchill and Roosevelt at their meeting at Quebec in September 1944 .
15 A fiery dispute here might consume energy and inhibit the reform to which Butler was so committed — strengthened by his walks in the woods with Winant , the US Ambassador , and convinced ( alone , he says ) that Churchill would be succeeded by the socialists and that educational reform should be completed now .
16 To the credit of both Hortense and Le Bas , it was agreed that Louis-Napoleon should be enrolled in the High School at Augsburg , a move which it was hoped would not only remove a tendency to idleness and day-dreaming but would also give him a chance to make friends with other boys of his own age .
17 At the time of writing , the status of Andorra and San Marino remains uncertain , but the latest indications are that Andorra will be excluded while San Marino will be included .
18 Rather , " however " creates a contrast concerning the idea of a writer foreseeing the effect on later audiences — something which pulls the essay in a different direction from one which might create the expectation that Othello would be introduced .
19 Henry and he made a treaty of alliance , agreeing that Richard should be betrothed to one of the Count 's daughters and that , when married , they should be granted the duchy of Aquitaine .
20 The more Jack was in demand , as a lecturer , teacher , and man of letters , the more danger there was that Warnie would be thrown back on his own society or , worse , on that of Mrs Moore .
21 His civil servant thought that Ramsey should be invited .
22 Her heart throbbed heavily at the thought that Dana could be hurt , perhaps worse .
23 Stifling her yawns and fighting to keep her eyes open during the Litany of the Saints , she wrestled with the problem , terrified that Tristram might be caught trespassing but unable to think of any way to warn him .
24 Accordingly , it was agreed that JF should be asked to provide a substitute if he can not attend meetings .
25 One on-set photographer was quoted as saying : ‘ It became a standing joke that Kylie could be heard saying : ‘ Charlie 's right ’ . ’
26 The deal also meant that Kylie could be given a better than average contract , he revealed in Business Review Weekly .
27 Within Spanish art itself , on the other hand , the line is almost too simple : Goya was intensely aware of Velázquez , Picasso of both , but for Gironella the problem is not just that Picasso could be seen to have inserted himself into the next place in the sequence but that as a Mexican an unequivocal position in any such art-historical lineage is utterly unattainable .
28 In that event , the ambassadors stipulated that Famagusta would be governed henceforth by James of Lusignan and his Christian lieutenants , and not by Mamelukes , Moors or other infidels , who were to have no authority over Famagustans .
29 Unir , which is pressing the time-to-market argument , says that Calico can be applied to pen-based computing , object-oriented database servers , real-time object-based systems and special-purpose telecommunications systems that are either open or proprietary .
30 During the debate of the previous two years , it seemed that LEAs would be asked to identify a number of measures to be applied to schools which would allow the wider public to assess the progress of a given school , year on year , and the differences between schools in the area .
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