Example sentences of "that [pers pn] could n't be " in BNC.

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1 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
2 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
3 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
4 So that they began to hint that I could n't be so very friendly if I was afraid to take them round to meet him .
5 ‘ This chap pointed out that she could n't be a widow , as she 'd never married .
6 Not only did n't the soft voice sound like a witch 's , thought Virginia ; the face did n't look a bit like a witch 's ; in fact , she decided , the witch sounded and looked so sweet and gentle that she could n't be a witch !
7 She was afraid then , rather as a skier might feel when he looks down the steep whiteness of a dangerous slope , or a high diver who seems far above the water , but the sensation was so unusual to her that she could n't be sure that it was entirely unpleasant still strongly mixed , as it was , with curiosity .
8 It was important to be at once on it so that she could n't be followed .
9 She told me that she could n't be happy until she 'd given birth and , in the course of time , I began to understand what she meant .
10 He was difficult sometimes — maddening sometimes — but he had , I always thought , a curious innocence of character so that you could n't be angry with him for long — and I found him always stimulating to be with — talkative , bursting with ideas and comments — and for a great deal of the time — just plain good fun to be with .
11 " For God 's sake , Maureen , you were yelling yesterday that you could n't be bothered with it .
12 You came out here to whimper over the fact that you could n't be together in the way that you would like , only you made the unfortunate mistake of running into me instead . ’
13 A woman 's world was more private , she was in charge of it in a way that you could n't be if you were a man .
14 Kylie and sister Danielle would have their fans believe that they could n't be closer and that any hint of rivalry is all in the imagination of the press .
15 He chatted on about them for the rest of the journey , as she had hoped he would , and she learnt that they could n't be better looked after .
16 I had begun to shrink , become half human , to lose touch with my body and mentally cut off the bits that hurt so that they could n't be hurt any more .
17 The new ideas were an outgrowth from this , but were sufficiently novel that they could n't be pursued within the terms of his research contract with the DOE .
18 Now she knew the safety of her room was illusory ; it was just that they could n't be bothered with her .
19 This does n't mean that they could n't be completely redesigned to be even better .
20 Inquisitive journalists were told that any contamination was so negligible that it could n't be measured , a clear piece of disinformation .
21 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
22 But deep down you also knew that it could n't be so simple .
23 Personal survival entailed preparing for the possibility that it could n't be stopped .
24 In showing off to the raw recruits he might even throw the small plane into such daring bankings or dives that it could n't be manoeuvred out of .
25 At the time , I wrote to Knitmaster ( as was ) , explaining what I wanter to do , but I was told that it could n't be done .
26 It seemed a shame that it could n't be in time for my mother 's birthday on the 8th but at least it was a good target for which to aim .
27 He tried to reach her again , and told the operator to put the howler on the line because the phone was off the hook , but the girl said reprovingly that it could n't be done in the middle of the night in case it woke people up .
28 When Al Pacino made Kate Nelligan squeeze her feet into gold stilettos throughout intercourse in Frankie and Johnny , the audience knew instinctively that it could n't be love .
29 It would have been no use asking him whether he thought there was a unifying purpose in life , whether it could really be chance that an animal so small that it could n't be seen by the naked eye could die millions of years ago in the depths of the sea and be resurrected by science to prove a man innocent or guilty .
30 When we think about it carefully , we see that it could n't be otherwise .
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