Example sentences of "that [pers pn] are not go " in BNC.

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1 Therefore make sure that you are not going to bed too early , particularly if you have taken a nap after lunch .
2 ‘ You may be just as tired as him but mentally you must get it into your brain that you are not going to stop until you drop and if your opponent knows that he might stop . ’
3 Obviously you should check with the receptionist or whoever is organizing the candidates that you are not going to miss your turn if you are out for a while .
4 If you are still using a standard radio system and only wish to execute the occasional loop or roll , then you can continue with your existing equipment , but you should realise that you are not going to be able to perform round loops or axial rolls .
5 If , as you approach retirement , you become aware that you are not going to have a big enough pension to live as comfortably as you would like , you might seriously consider the possibility of making additional voluntary contributions .
6 You 've got a form R eighty five which is available for bank and building society investors , and if you 've got er a gross account then er you , you have to agree with the revenue that you are not going to be a taxpayer in the year that you take out the er R eighty five .
7 I ca n't believe this is happening , that you are n't going to marry Dunbar .
8 We have realised , though , that we are not going to improve unless we get rugby into the schools .
9 Dad decided that we are not going to Saltcoats this year because of the weather .
10 I think we are goi we are going to have to face the fact that we are not going to get an outing
11 I am happy to give my hon. Friend the assurance that we are not going down the route of a federal Europe .
12 But looking at the whole thing from a higher perspective , it seems to me that the Leeds management may be thinking that we are not going to win the championship this season or at least they are prepared to wait another year to have a go .
13 So we will need to manage the whole of that block to the right of the dotted line , and therefore I think , members will appreciate that we are not going to do that effect , or indeed do it at all , if we simply continue spending at the four hundred and fifty thousand pounds which is the costs that we 're incurring in the current year .
14 Michael Hickey 's mother , Ann Whelan , who was among a large crowd of protesters outside the Home Office , said : ‘ Our message is simple that we are not going anywhere .
15 The land between the Serai Gorge and the southern coast is completely unknown , and I would like to be sure that we are n't going to have any surprises at our backs when we start this war . ’
16 But although we are entitled , in our theory of the origin of life , to spend a maximum ration of luck amounting , perhaps , to odds of 100 billion billion to one against , my hunch is that we are n't going to need more than a small fraction of that ration .
17 Usually this is because they got ready before the rain started falling and are unable to see that they are not going to stay up unless they wait until the shower has passed .
18 Having realised , I suspect , at least for the time being , that they are not going to get anywhere in their fight for equal prize money at Wimbledon or the French , the Women 's Tennis Association have come up with another proposal which I know has support in some areas but which I certainly hope will also bite the dust .
19 This suggests that secondary females are somehow able to recognise the fact that they are not going to get any help from the male .
20 I would like certainly to see schemes starting where people can be put into worthwhile jobs , where people can start jobs knowing at the end of it that they are not going to be thrown onto the dole queue again .
21 There ca n't even be any economic basis for it , since developing countries are so crippled by the weight of their debts that they are not going to offer the West the kind of expanding , healthy markets it craves unless that burden is lifted .
22 We have to respond to these developments and it is being made clear now in public , that the Health and Safety Executive are giving every indication to employers that they are not going to rigorously enforce the law and indeed in the local authorities a leading figure there has said that they want to take a softly softly approach .
23 However , I think the practicalities in the situation are that we have to face the fact that they are not going to behave impartially and you see we have a classic example in er the circumstances of our own situation as described by John .
24 That they are n't going to be allowed to do that .
25 I think that may be their pattern now , that they are n't going to stop erm unless made clear that they will be required to do so , and it 's further evidence that we are going to enforce this embargo .
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