Example sentences of "that [pers pn] was [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 Well i i I always say that er it always comes a surprise that I was good at anything .
2 Yeah , and we explained and said that I was pregnant at the time and we said about the policeman , oh no trouble !
3 It was a miracle that I was alive at all .
4 That was , that was the only thing I , I thought well if I get off to the wrong start , you 're off on the wrong start completely so yes I , I concede that I was nervous at the , at the beginning .
5 I sat alone in a compartment , coming to terms with the fact that I was free at last and if I wanted to put my feet up on the opposite seat or take off my tie , no one in uniform had the right to bustle in and call me Airwoman in that well-known disapproving voice .
6 I told myself that I was happy , that I was free at last .
7 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
8 I told her that I was surprised at that because my Mum had said the same and I had n't believed her .
9 Where once she had been desperate not to miss Johnny , now it seemed that she was fearful at the thought of meeting him .
10 But as the evening advanced , she wished she had n't let Greg guess that she was pleased at his attention .
11 Ruth never felt that she was good at it , but it made a change , and she enjoyed listening to her mistress 's accounts of her days .
12 In her resignation letter Gandhi claimed that she was unhappy at the " strange and unilateral decisions " taken by Singh and criticized him for his policies regarding Kashmir and Punjab and for his implementation of the Mandal Commission report [ see below ] .
13 She told me she made a point of taking a walk each day to get out of the way of all the old people , but I was reassured when I saw that she was well-known at the café and seemed to have several friends among its patrons .
14 She realized for the first time fully consciously that she was ill at ease with , even afraid of , very tall men .
15 ‘ As this offence can be committed at any time the fact that it was dark at the time could be shown to assist the court in deciding on punishment .
16 Was it a mania for translating bishops — represented at its oddest in the idea that it was sensible at the age of 73 to move the revered George Bell to one of these sees ?
17 I have lost count of the number of times I have read quotes from manager Keith Fletcher saying that he was impressed at the speed his batsmen learned to play spin in India .
18 Although C. has no recollection of the fact , Ward J. found that he was present at some time when Miss T. was expressing her wish not to have a blood transfusion .
19 On entering the house , the defendant said that he was unhappy at Paulette 's having married Zaidie and that he was going to obtain a copy of the marriage certificate and would shoot Paulette if she had married while she was still talking to the defendant ( the date of the marriage was actually 10 December 1986 ) .
20 A partial answer might be that he was confident at the time that Argentina would be the first country to exploit atomic energy for industrial purposes .
21 Darlington borough councillor Alan Gibson said that he was shocked at the scale of the resurfacing work .
22 He would n't talk about the pilgrimage , except to say that he was disappointed at having had to abandon it He seemed far from exalted .
23 A visitor to the village just after the war once remarked to me that he was amazed at the interest and knowledge of the local men on the subject of horse racing , as we had no race course .
24 The annual conference of Sinn Féin , the political wing of the Irish republican movement , was held in Dublin on Feb. 3-4 , 1990 , during which Gerry Adams , the party president , said that he was ready at any time to discuss the conditions within which peace and justice could be created .
25 He said that he was surprised at the contradictory answers which the House had received from the shadow Chancellor and the Leader of the Opposition on this complex issue .
26 Southey wrote long afterwards that he was astonished at this turn of events , since Coleridge , such a short time before , had talked of being ‘ deeply in love with a certain Mary Evans ’ ; Coleridge , on the other hand , was later to blame Southey for having persuaded him into marriage against his will .
27 The loss was important and embarrassing to Modi and the somewhat impatient tone of his next letter to Zbo suggests that he was annoyed at having to return to the subject :
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