Example sentences of "that [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is now more than $13m , 20% over budget — this , from a bank that vigorously defends the quality of its development projects .
2 Even worse , Colonel Windsor 's sharp glance detected a tremor in the hand that avidly accepted the whiskey and soda he had poured out to celebrate the unexpected reunion with his old comrade-in-arms .
3 The question whether a Regulation that expressly gave the power to tax would itself be ultra vires DORA was not decided .
4 He was granted a second term by Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke in a move that effectively guarantees the existence of the Board for the foreseeable future .
5 The drugs that effectively modulate the disease process — such as steroids , sulphasalazine , and 5-aminosalicylic acid — affect most or all of the inflammatory mediators .
6 Before 1988 , there were two legal requirements that effectively determined the form of capital accounting :
7 Clearly it is easier for a minister to accept this sort of legislation than to develop a policy that effectively changes the direction of a great deal of work going on within the department .
8 This is the historical breed that effectively launched the concept of ‘ breed ’ rather than local type .
9 ‘ He should have been banned for life for the disgraceful tackle that effectively ended the career of Gary Stevens at Spurs .
10 The gene determines a protein sequence that influences X that influences Y that influences Z that eventually influences the wrinkliness of the seed or the cellular wiring up of the nervous system .
11 A mortgage is an annuity where you pay the building society a regular sum that eventually reduces the balance of debt to nothing .
12 According to Forestry Commission pathologist , Brian Greig : " Different sites involve different factors in the mix that eventually spells the end for the trees .
13 Ahead of us I could hear the noise of the waterfall — there had been plenty of rain and when we arrived at the foss , the beck that eventually joins the Ure to travel down Wensleydale was hammering over the lip of the force .
14 It is a silly , redundant device that eventually drowns the film in a surfeit of plot .
15 In particular , the resulting motion of the plasma column in the magnetic field — motion that eventually destroyed the containment — might heat the ions in the plasma ; also , image currents in metallic conducting walls of the torus might limit the excusions of the plasma column .
16 He is a master of cogency of overall planning , deploying cantus firmus technique and the alternation of reduced-voice and full scoring with an effortless artistry that wholly conceals the fact that several compositions stand upon an elaborately mathematical disposition of their successive and component proportions .
17 In this first phase of DIP development vendors offered solutions that merely handled the archival and retrieval of images .
18 If other publications from the energy programme summarise the ‘ state of the art ’ as well as this gasification report , then there will be less need for the spurious and repetitious consultant reports that daily besiege the desk of the Third World policy maker .
19 Lakatos offers Marxism and Freudian psychology as programmes that satisfy the first criterion but do not satisfy the second , and modern sociology as a programme that perhaps satisfies the second but does not satisfy the first .
20 I often think that perhaps putting the hub of the sails in , more or less in the centre of the picture perhaps , not the best place , but I think because in this case , we 've got a lot of trees down to the bottom here .
21 While much was achieved in improving safety standards , towards the decade 's end there was a series of accidents that perhaps shocked the public more than anything since Harrow & Wealdstone in the very early days of nationalisation .
22 There 's a bande sonore in the show that endlessly plays the music of the day , by Sidney Bechet , Boris Vian , Tadd Dameron , the Miles Davis/Charlie Parker 1945 Savoy Sessions .
23 He coins the term ‘ victimism ’ to label a community 's groans of discontent at a society that endlessly places the individual ahead of all else .
24 In this role , the pen can be used to select items , pull down menus , move objects around the screen ; in effect , to handle any task that hitherto required the use of a mouse .
25 Caps — cervical , vault or vimule — which are smaller devices that only cover the cervix , are also available .
26 In this way all records with named metals will be retrieved , as well as those that only possess the term ‘ metal ’ .
27 ‘ But we are not ready to become a rubber stamp that only certifies the existence of reforms .
28 When you choose a shade for your table or standard lamps , do n't choose the thick material that only puts the light up and down .
29 Nicolo 's words seemed to hang in the silence that suddenly enveloped the room .
30 No eye make-up , just a touch of mascara , some blusher and some lipstick , and that glowing tan that so emphasised the fairness of her hair .
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