Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb mod] get [art] " in BNC.

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1 A curate at St Luke 's , an older man from the West Indies , almost persuaded my parents to let me go out to Codrington College in the West Indies , but my headmaster was firm against this , expressing the hope that I might get a scholarship to an English university .
2 ‘ I 'm keeping my fingers crossed that I might get a bit of it to strengthen the squad . ’
3 I knew that I would get a lift on a boat going up the canal .
4 Next morning over breakfast I decide to go back into Þingeyri to catch a plane back to Ísafjöđ3ur in the hope that I can get a boat or bus from there .
5 I am going to play him in the remaining reserve games so that I can get a good look at him .
6 you know is there somewhere that I can get the subjects that I need in , in each
7 The child itself would want to know who its father was , and the fact that I could get no comfort from the circumstances would be no excuse for hiding them from — him , her ?
8 I explained that I wanted to see her father on a matter of business , but that his office had been unable to tell me where he was , and that I could get no reply by telephoning his home .
9 I was hoping that P & I 's would be having a sale and that I could get a new concordance but she would n't even let me look .
10 I wished Tod would go and dig out that black chest of his , so that I could get a proper look at this Irene .
11 I dropped my handkerchief so that I could get a closer look .
12 When I played , people who heard what I was doing and liked it recommended that I should get a Precision , which I eventually did , but I could n't seem to get enough of my own playing character to come through with it .
13 They said it was out of date and that I should get a Parrot jacket like the one Adam Faith wears on telly .
14 ‘ I 've worked for fourteen years in this business and I 've been given to understand that I should get a partnership one day . ’
15 I was right , as the answer was that I should get a reply ’ as soon as possible ’ .
16 I do n't really think that I should get a lot of pleasure out of going to watch croquet tomorrow .
17 Yes , it was fitting and sweet that I should get the hell out of there .
18 I practiced my trade , I simplified my life , I was on my way to becoming the " Compleat Airman " , I also felt that I should get an overseas tour out of the way , and was quite pleased when I found my name on the PWR+ ; I then awaited eagerly to learn where .
19 Finally I dragged myself away , telling myself that I 'd get a chance to use it properly soon enough .
20 But the highlight of it was that I used to get a ride on the dray and I used he he we used to finish up the round at the bottom of erm Road , and Street .
21 A fucking pin to kill you , but he wished , this tumbling day , Winnie in the room , that she would get a move on .
22 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
23 The attendant watched her , hoping that she would get a little closer to the picture , so that he could relieve the boredom of his long day by telling her to stand back .
24 It did n't occur to her that she would get a good shot in … fine aim had never been one of her strong points — so when she heard him shout her name behind her , her instinct as ever was to run .
25 But he stopped that when there was speculation that she would get a cabinet post if he won .
26 Her supervisor and other friends in the Faculty encouraged her to think that she would get an appointment at Cambridge eventually if she could hang on .
27 David Hudson and Katharine 's father are both hoping that she 'll get the opportunity for a quiet word in the Prime Ministerial ear .
28 Edouard made enquiries , and finally arranged that she should get the place of her choice , Norland College in England , which had trained generations of nannies .
29 As soon as she was old enough , they were going to send her to stay with relatives in the city so that she could get a better education .
30 Leaning forward to study the papers more clearly , she realized that she could get a better view of the pad on which the squaw was composing .
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