Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb base] [Wh adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 think I mind says that I ask where you going now , going now or , well he 's not been here .
2 ‘ No , ’ said Aline , suddenly serious , ‘ it is only that the step from perfectly ordinary things into the miraculous seems to me so small , almost accidental , that I wonder why it astonishes you at all , or why you trouble to reason about it .
3 The most important factor in ‘ free stretching ’ is that you know when it hurts and how far you can go , making it possible for you to immediately release the stretch should you need to .
4 Chasing solid walls is done with a bolster chisel and club hammer , and it is important to keep the cables vertical so that you know where they are .
5 In the concluding part of this chapter we want to pass rough , but clear , judgement on these matters so that you know where we stand .
6 ‘ I do n't mind where I go , but I prefer opening , and the main thing is that you know where you are . ’
7 she 's just giving , she 's just give me an adult education centre there at Spinny Hill , Northampton and she said they put everything in perspective for you so that you know where you 've got to start , what is available to you and then she said if you go down the job centre and ask them if E T , education , employment training
8 There are many more ways of forming cables for hand knitters and now that you understand how we simply cross over the stitches with transfer tools instead of cable needles , you may well find that others of the hand knit variety can be reproduced on your machine .
9 The fact that you will find it difficult to know what to say to her , except that you understand how she must feel , will not matter at all .
10 When you offer a piece of information , you do n't commit yourself in quite the same way that you do when you propose or suggest an idea .
11 No , but it means , it means that we know how we 've got to gear up
12 If we are to understand the complex relationship between people and the planet upon which they live then it is essential that we understand how it has evolved over time .
13 So a range of behaviour is very important in influencing that we identify where we 're coming from and where the other party 's coming from as well , so that we can maybe begin to mould our behaviour and decide what is appropriate maybe on some occasions towards a passive actually gon na help us achieve for influence .
14 It is in the descent of the Son to earth , and his return to the Father , that we learn how we too can relate to God 's happiness .
15 It 's no for if you 're going to be there all the time , that they know where you are and where they can contact you .
16 It 's worth pointing this out to your students too , so that they understand why you set the tasks you do when you use video with them .
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