Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He gave me six points for this country so clearly that I saw them as if on a black-board and could simply copy them down . ’
2 I was only going to say , Chair , that before my time in local government , that I 've mine as an observer each side , er , there was no problem for local authorities to raise a rate , er , there was no restrictions on this , and if they thought they could get away with it politically , they did , and they provided the services , that , that they believed people wanted .
3 I was feeling so bad that I treated it as a kind of moral victory that I was able to empty most of the water out of the obviously Gav-filled kettle and leave the level at the minimum mark .
4 ‘ He claims that I employed him as an assistant in order to find him a real job . ’
5 In return she sent me her third and latest novel , A View of the Harbour : and it was then that I recognized her as the author of At Mrs Lippincote 's .
6 He loved her humour and the fact that she treated him as an equal , although their business was always conducted on the most formal lines .
7 People will argue that she did it as a good deed , in helping her husband 's friend .
8 On Oct. 9 , shortly after appearing before a special tribunal [ see below ] , she accused him of " naked aggression " against the judiciary , and added that she regarded him as her main opponent .
9 Or , in a more patronising manner , ‘ Yes , I accept that you see it as my doing . ’
10 It 's quicker to sort those rather than those because what tends to happen is that you process them as an entity rather than as single figures .
11 Well , it might be that we regard it as whether everybody else interprets it that way .
12 However , even at the same time as this controversy continues the discipline has not only come to recognize the influence of the self , but has urged that we use it as a scientific construction ( Okely 1975a ) .
13 Is it not possible that we apprehend them as feelings of hotness and coldness because the feelings are usually of one sort when our bodies are hot , and of another sort when our bodies are cold ?
14 It is precisely because our Lord suffered these things that we recognise him as not only God but human , like us .
15 His claim that we described him as the IRA 's Chief of Staff is untrue .
16 It was said in Scorer v Seymour-Johns [ 1966 ] 3 All ER 347 per Salmon LJ that the special element can be characterised as the connection relying on the employee to the extent that they regard him as the business rather than his employer : in that case the employer 's business had many recurring customers ( cf Fellowes & Son v Fisher [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 829 ) .
17 Ultraviolet light is so important to insects that they use it as a main component of their colour vision .
18 The most likely explanation is that they saw it as a way to keep the Catholic-educated Mary out of Scotland , while maintaining their formal loyalty to her , thereby maximizing their opportunity to advance the Protestant cause while minimizing the need to clash directly with their sovereign ; there was , after all , no sign that Mary was particularly interested in the internal affairs of her kingdom , and although it was a gamble , and a risky one , leaving her to continue to enjoy life in France appeared to be the best chance they had .
19 They made it clear that they saw it as the core of a European army .
20 They saw that how that , they saw the Chinese problem essentially as one of exploitation and that how that as soon as , that they saw it as the land problem
21 Er , you know , well of course they were young girls and er , you see and there 's , there was nothing we could do , you see , and , and er , anyway the doctor , as soon as the doctor did come , it was because th the young staff er they had to , they took her away to the mortuary , you see and erm then I , I had to carry on with her work and , and do the best I could and mine as well , you see , but of course er the Manager he appointed another Assistant Manager to go and collect the money which I used to do got it in because I took her times of duty as well and er , you see , and then after that er after several weeks I suppose it was , I do n't know how many because I forget how many , that they appointed me as Manageress and I was in that position for twelve years , you see and
22 The programme makers were so impressed by Sheila 's contribution that they featured it as a programme in its own right .
23 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
24 You build a bond up with them , so that they see you as a friend with whom they have this special relationship .
25 To the extent that they destroy him as a competitor , they destroy him , speaking generally and largely , as a customer .
26 Two fifteenth-century archbishops of Canterbury , Chichele and Bourchier , write of ‘ the Church of England ’ in terms which show that they regarded it as a distinctive entity within the Church Universal , and one in which they could take considerable national pride .
27 The appeal of this closely-worked new study is that it presents him as a comprehensive human being .
28 Suppose that within the five-year term the Government were defeated in the Commons on a topic so important that it regarded it as a matter of confidence in itself .
29 ‘ It 's unproven technology , and Microsoft has not made it clear that it wants it as a server ’ .
30 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I should be flattered or otherwise , ’ her host drawled , and she decided on the spot that she hated men with sophisticated wit — was he saying that he took it as a compliment , or not , that he only got one mention at lunchtime ?
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