Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is probably fair to say that full-time tribunal chairmen are considered of roughly equal status to circuit judges , with Presidents , regional chairmen and lawyer members of appellate tribunals roughly equal to High Court judges .
2 Barker et al reported that low birth weight was associated with lower adult lung function but not with symptoms of wheeze .
3 Evaluation by a National Foundation for Educational Research ( NFER ) research team suggests that SNAP is potentially an effective approach to school-based inservice training , providing that strong management support is guaranteed by the headteacher and by senior LEA staff ( see Hegarty , Meeting Special Needs in Ordinary Schools , this series , for a brief summary ) .
4 Their initial meeting at dinner in Hall was not quite accidental : the nature of the placement was such that strong scholarship candidates were more likely than not to find themselves sitting together .
5 In conclusion , this study shows that non-invasive radionuclide angiography is of benefit in screening for obstruction within the portal vein as part of the preliminary investigation of portal hypertension and chronic liver disease or during the assessment for liver transplantation .
6 The decision , which takes the form of adding the bird to Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act , follows growing evidence that captive-bred barn owls are prone to dying of starvation after release .
7 The precedent has now been established that European Community law is invulnerable to deliberate Acts of Parliament , and that British courts are under obligation to disapply those Acts where they conflict with it .
8 A certain amount of cross-border examination to ensure that European Community rules are met already exists and , as my hon. Friend knows from what I said earlier , in future we shall have much tighter enforcement rules to ensure that those countries — all of them — that sign up to European directives will have to obey those directives or face fines for not doing so .
9 BRITAIN 'S advertisers are worrying that European Community legislation is set to reach parts that other laws do not reach .
10 Now that European Community funds are available to assist in that process , what success did our right hon. Friend the Secretary of State have in his dealings with Commissioner Millan over his request for support for the gas and electricity interconnectors from the mainland to Northern Ireland , which would reduce energy costs in the Province ?
11 Nonetheless , virtually all studies also conclude that rural recreation rates are still strongly influenced by social class and income as shown in Figure 7.1 and that the more affluent have much greater participation rates as shown in Table 7. 1 .
12 And Hodge and Whitby ( 1981 ) , the theory 's authors , have indeed argued that rural labour markets are at the core of the problem of rural depopulation in developed countries .
13 He had expressed fears that Saudi oil policy was being effectively directed by US interests since the Gulf war , which had demonstrated Saudi Arabia 's dependence on a US military shield .
14 Whether or not we accept the particular characterization offered by opponent-process theory , it seems that conditioned suppression training is likely to involve more than the formation of a CS-shock association .
15 The High Court has fined Channel Four seventy five thousand pounds for contempt of court for refusing to reveal the source of claims that Loyalist death squads are operating in Ulster .
16 The attack followed the RUC Chief Constable Sir Hugh Annesley 's warning that loyalist terror gangs are planning a bombing campaign on both sides of the border .
17 Quantity — this should be sufficient to ensure that items do not run out of stock , but not so much that unnecessary inventory costs are incurred through excessive stock-holding .
18 It would appear that oral lichen planus is only rarely associated with coeliac disease .
19 This means that complete market surveillance is possible and better investor protection is thus also possible .
20 Moreover , following a study that failed to show superiority of intravenous nutrition over polymeric feeding or oral food with parenteral supplementation , it is now apparent that complete bowel rest is not essential for achieving remission in acute Crohn 's disease with nutritional treatment .
21 The significance of this result is that broad bean pollen is completely devoid of carotenoids , and some of these chemicals are the physiological precursors of vitamin A.
22 While reading commercial bar codes and displaying the relevant information is not a very practical proposition for the home user , that is not to say that do-it-yourself bar codes are totally impractical .
23 As any of the information in the Figure 1 may have a bearing on a section in question , it can readily be seen that advanced hyper-text features are needed if all the relevant subject matter is to be available and easily reached in the electronic medium .
24 But Mr MacGregor , despite previous ministerial statements to the contrary , retorted that private sector involvement was not crucial to the bill .
25 It is argued that private sector firms are too risk-averse and too concerned with short-term profits .
26 Nor do I believe that private sector training is the answer .
27 The view that private sector employment is a waste of valuable career time is less widely held , now that the private sector is beginning to take its share of providing additional training and in-service education facilities for its own employees .
28 It is unclear whether or not the rule that private employment rights are not enforceable under Ord. 53 is an application of a wider principle that contractual rights can not be protected by AJR unless they possess a sufficient ‘ public element ’ .
29 Mr Sugar warned that prevailing exchange rates were forcing Amstrad to raise prices , causing demand to fall for certain products .
30 It is still important to see if specifying an age range could be indirect discrimination and it is important to bear in mind that differential age criteria are always likely to be direct discrimination even if it is based on the unequal state pension age .
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