Example sentences of "that [prep] my [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er , do n't feel a bit disappointed that during my presentation I 'll be expecting to this hospital , I 'll take you to the operating room , er
2 He had smiled then and said that despite my generosity he would give no cause for jealousy .
3 Does the hon. Gentleman accept that in my constituency there has been no major industry since 1979 , except for last year when two British companies sold their businesses to the Taiwanese ?
4 Thanks , can you stick that in my shove it , shove it in my bag
5 I 'm saying that in my experience there is too much argument and not enough discussion in processes of government generally , and I believe we would make more progress by a more discursive approach .
6 I know anyone can get dumped but I do feel that in my case it was because of my disabilities . ’
7 This is the distortion of perception referred to by Bruch , but I must add that in my case I see it less as a longstanding perceptual difficulty than as a consequence of my general state of confusion as to my self-image .
8 Except that in my case there was no need to wait for seven years .
9 The senator had a son and daughter of his own and , though he had never talked specifically of their problems , I sensed that in my life he was seeking an answer to his own family 's complexities .
10 And when I told them that in my country there were millions just like me , they did not believe me , but just smiled .
11 It 's true that in my job I get to meet many celebrities , but there is an enormous amount of work that has to be done as well .
12 If it be objected that the propositions above contravene the principle in Stilk v. Myrick , I answer that in my view they do not : they refine and limit the application of that principle , but they leave the principle unscathed , for example , where B secures no benefit by his promise .
13 I think that that case is distinguishable from this on that ground , and also on the ground that in my view none of the statements in the leaflet in this case actually impute corruption .
14 I feel I must say that in my view there is no such need to use such an unwise tool .
15 I wish only to add that in my judgment I have , after some hesitation , come to the conclusion that it is impossible to extract a general discretion to rectify the register from section 82(1) ( h ) of the Land Registration Act 1925 beyond that necessary to cover some unusual error which did not fall under paragraphs ( d ) to ( g ) .
16 ‘ And I tell you frankly that in my opinion one must not hesitate to go to a prostitute occasionally if there is one you can trust and feel something for … .
17 The only way I could show that in my opinion they were absolutely wrong was to start an action for libel . ’
18 I hope that it is not too perfunctory a way of dealing with this interesting point to say that in my opinion it is comprehensively answered by the judgments in Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd. v. Maxwell [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 991 which Mr. Rawley , for the defendants , brought to your Lordships ' attention .
19 I told him that in my opinion he was suffering from valvular disease and that there was probably considerable dilation .
20 This is to certify that in my opinion you are unfit to : work/join the Army/propagate your species .
21 Not long after we met , I remember telling him that in my opinion his only fault was that he was too predictable , that , although no doubt perverse , I enjoyed being kept guessing a bit more often .
22 I have just read the article in November 's Today 's Horse on gadgets by Carolyn Henderson and I would like to say that in my opinion she has done a very good job pointing out the dangers of people with their own horses who resort to gadgets to get an outline and not to time and schooling .
23 Right because I have to put that on my notes you see and I
24 All I can say , in mitigation , was that to my knowledge I was never the one to start trouble .
25 Eryngium alpinum I have saved almost to the last , not because it is common , which it is , but rather that to my mind it is the loveliest representative of the Umbelliferae family ( which includes , strange though it may seem , the carrot ) .
26 Everything in bilingual Canada was written in both English and French and I realized that since my arrival I 'd been reading the French quite easily .
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