Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] its " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A high level of government funding is the only way that industry can find its way through this maze , ’ he said .
2 The Dumbarton MP , John McFall , shadow Scottish home affairs spokesman , accused the Government of failing to carry out its manifesto commitment to change the law and stated that Labour would introduce its own bill if the Government refused to make space for the legislation .
3 Mr Gould said that Labour must broaden its appeal rather than simply change its leader .
4 It may also be that further relevant information comes to light after the original decision was taken which , in your opinion , means that management should reconsider its attitude .
5 At the same time , separatist politicsans were predicting that ETA would make its first action a kidnapping rather than a shooting or bombing .
6 Not , in that division , the belief that achievement would find its own reward .
7 The popular press echoes the belief that royalty ought to earn its way , if not from being royal , then at least from other activities : ‘ Face it Charles , you need a job ! ’ declared the front page of the tabloid Star in a message to the Prince of Wales ( 6.5.1987 ) .
8 Stockbroker Hoare Govett believes that radio could increase its share by 5 per cent by 1995 .
9 However , if a small company does n't provide for any one of these operations , it is unlikely that company can give its artists adequate service .
10 Canguilhem ( 1980 ) proposes that psychology should submit its implicit idea of ‘ man ’ , the psychological subject , to questioning by philosophy .
11 It is in the bedroom that originality can prove its worth , if only in the accessories .
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