Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 The chamomile was found to have antiviral properties that aid recovery from the viral infections that are a common cause of the diarrhoea which , in turn , causes the dehydration .
2 The Xerox team is not entirely sure why , but Dr Ziolo reckons that sodium ions from the resin are creeping into the crystal lattice and making it more permeable to light .
3 While fluid secretion in human cholera is thought to occur predominantly from the small intestine , recent data suggest that water absorption from the colon is reduced or that the colon may even be in a net secretory state .
4 If a harem is travelling alone and encounters an all-male group , the male then faces the risk that adult males from the group will attack him and usurp his reproductive role .
5 Previous tests by the council had found that mineral seepage from the mine had killed all fish life in the Kilmastulla river and damaged wildlife in the immediate area .
6 It has been estimated that childhood protection from the sun ban reduce the risk of skin cancer in later life by 78% .
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