Example sentences of "that [pron] must have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 All I know , like the protestors when the Julian became the Gregorian calendar , is that I must have missed something .
2 ‘ Lots of people say it must be easy for my family to carry on in music and that I must have taught them everything — but I feel they just inherited their love of music as it 's in our blood . ’
3 No doubt it will transpire that I must have known this Paykhull . ’
4 It never was matter for such fear to me that I must have tried to silence him .
5 Only , I think , in so far as I 've seen so many pictures over the years that I must have picked up some knowledge and a sort of an overview of what there is in English art , so that I can make better comparisons .
6 ‘ It is just , ’ said Hope , looking at Mrs Crump as if she were a particularly testing landscape — perhaps a copse whose colours were for ever changing under sun and scudding clouds — ‘ it is just , ’ he said , ‘ and I am sure , certain , that someone must have told you this — ‘
7 ‘ It concluded that someone must have betrayed Nowak and that he probably knew who it was .
8 Allen is certain that somebody must have seen the caravan at some point that evening .
9 As she grew older , she looked upon herself , tragically , defiantly , with all the hopelessness of fourteen years , as a plant trying to root itself upon the solid rock , without water , without earth , without shade : and then , when a little older yet , when conscious of some growth , she had to concede that she must have fallen happily upon some small dry sandy fissure , where a few grains of sand , a few drops of moisture , had been enough to support her trembling and tenacious life .
10 I said that she must have done her act by now , but Rebecca said not to worry and that she and Clara always followed Plan B — to hide in the Ladies — if anything went wrong .
11 Merseyside Coroner Roy Barter told the Liverpool hearing that she must have inhaled the bacteria as it floated through the air as vapour from a contaminated hot water outlet .
12 Clara , who had phrased the question so deviously , flinching in preparation from a brutal negative , thought that she must have misunderstood , and repeated the whole rigmarole , and her mother once more nodded her head and said yes .
13 As she watched the door swing gently to a close behind him , Lindsey was left with the crazy feeling that she must have imagined those few seconds when something , even if she could n't put a name to it , had passed between them .
14 Replacing the receiver , Sophie smiled triumphantly at the realisation that she must have undercut Robert Sheldrake 's fees .
15 Why she was here , she could n't imagine ; but her head was clearer than it had been in a long time , which meant that she must have gone for some hours without any kind of an injection .
16 I could say that she must have gone wandering .
17 ‘ I 'm so glad , ’ Leith replied , knowing from the very few comments Rosemary had let drop that she must have gone through a most unhappy time before Derek had finally left .
18 But , flicking her glance away from him when he caught her looking at him , she formed the view that she must have gone a little light-headed with the guilt of her conscience , because it seemed to her that since knowing him she had been visited by one strange thought or feeling after another .
19 Of the driver it would be reasonable to say that she must have seen them but she has forgotten about the pigeons and just did n't notice the lights and roadworks .
20 As his commentary stopped I realised that she must have completed her purchases and was very likely surveying the room for somewhere to sit .
21 For example , she considered Yardley 's Foundation Cream highly desirable , and would purchase it at every shop where it was to be found , with the consequence that she must have had dozens of pots stored , all drying up , in the limited accommodation provided in her billet .
22 Everything that she must have had in clothes she 'd kept .
23 Pascoe guessed that she must have put her hand over the mouthpiece .
24 She woke , exclaiming that she must have dropped off in the heat .
25 But he made the point there were no signs that Sandy had struggled for her life , that she must have trusted her murderer .
26 He persuaded the court that she must have raped him .
27 I wish he would keep his eyes off me , Laura thought grimly , feeling certain that she must have experienced almost a lifetime 's amount of tension over the past few days .
28 Ianthe remembered that Miss Grimes had been to Spain for her holiday one year , but she supposed that she must have bought the wine specially when Ianthe had said she was coming to see her .
29 Whilst , prima facie , the wife could sue the husband on this implied covenant if the leasehold covenants have not been complied with , it is likely ( in view of the fact that she must have known the state and condition of the property ) that the husband could have the assignment rectified to exclude this covenant ; far better therefore , if applicable , to exclude this part of the beneficial owner covenant ab initio .
30 But you had known her for so long that she must have seemed immortal . ’
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