Example sentences of "that [pron] could [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 " You should just see her , you ca n't imagine , you would have to see her to know why she chose it , " and all the time , as she spoke , some more assured , sophisticated account underran her words , silently , in her own mind , an account by some other girl , some girl who could wear such garments , and laugh at them , and explain them , and not suffer — some girl so far above such things that nothing could pull her down .
2 She could see that nothing could harm her , that there was no danger , that danger in so far as it might exist was desirable , and she started to walk , slowly , up the street , looking at those who looked at her , exchanging glance for glance , shivering in the warm April air from a tremulous , hopeful , artificial apprehension .
3 Then she flew on to a high window-sill and I had to ask the headmaster to bring me a ladder so that I could bring her down .
4 I feel that I could overwhelm her with love now .
5 It was one of the reasons why I was anxious to learn English at school : so that I could tell her in her own language how grateful I would always be . ’
6 That I could get her to do things for me that she would n't do for them .
7 My next-door neighbour agreed to take her , but I promised I 'd do my best to get back in time so that I could take her myself . ’
8 She was elderly and although she went to church on a Sunday , I did n't feel that I could trouble her with my religious affairs .
9 if he wanted to book again that she could let her , his , her villa .
10 She wanted somehow to have her mother for herself , but only so that she could reject her herself .
11 Although the mother accepted that the child 's immediate future lay with her foster parents and there was no immediate prospect that she could have her back , she wanted to keep the door open and therefore she refused her consent to the adoption .
12 ‘ You said you wanted to meet my fiancée so that you could judge her for yourself .
13 They thought that they could wear her down .
14 The Rosenblooms had long known that they could take her with them anywhere in society .
15 She turned , came slowly around until she was facing the door again , so that it could see she had no weapons of any sort — knife , gun , grenade .
16 Unfortunately the discovery that he could make her respond to even his lightest caress was enough to make the ride into Winchester a damned uncomfortable one .
17 She was amazed to realise now just how detailed her dream of him had been and annoyed that he could make her feel so uncomfortable by his veiled allusion to last night .
18 What on earth was it about him that he could make her come unglued with just a single look ?
19 That he could affect her this way was deeply shocking .
20 He spun round on the stool so that he could face her .
21 Ace had sat up and discarded the ice-pack so that he could face her .
22 By then it was too late to try and change her policy , for the overseer seemed to have taken a real dislike to her , watching for any slip she made , so that he could punish her for being high and mighty as he called it .
23 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
24 He has a son who is a booby and who was loafing around his father 's yards waiting only for this young lady to come of age so that he could marry her .
25 ‘ Very much , ’ she replied , but she somehow still felt upset that he could think she would go behind his back and cross-examine his secretary .
26 Hurt that he could think she would do that pest of an interview through Lubor , she was certain then that she did n't even like Ven Gajdusek — much less was she attracted to him !
27 They had been hustled off the boat separately , and her inquisitor had simply ignored her demands to have Clive brought in so that he could confirm she had had no knowledge of what was going on .
28 In the depths of her soul she knew it , knew that he could hurt her , badly .
29 He reached out and turned the lamp so that it shone onto her face , seating himself on the edge of the desk so that he could study her .
30 Back in the projection room , she insisted on the list of names before bending over the balcony , so that he could shag her whilst they both watched the film .
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