Example sentences of "that [pron] have [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 It it 's obviously er er route that I 've looked at but this certainly appeals to me a damn sight more than er that .
2 I mean both in the experience of , that I 've had and research that I 've looked at , there seems to be in terms of positive results , kind of strategy that are being used are strategies that , that both improve learning performance and improve emotional conditions for the child .
3 but it 's also linked , I mean the other thing that I 've got at the back of my mind , is a kind of nightmare , is that when we were talking about the Festival around about March that you know , we spoke to Ingy er you know as a group and then that was all fine and we kept er going along and then , and then there was that sort of dreadful phone call I had from Linda along the lines as I 'm not sure if I 've got any describers
4 I gave up the stiff white collars that I had worn at the advertising agency and was careful to wear plain ties ; but my suits were Burton 's at £10 a time .
5 Given that they had the ‘ weather works ’ that day in the shape of sleet , hail , wind and rain , whilst simultaneously a view of quite a lot of snow on Vesuvius , I was glad that I had stayed at home with a good book .
6 I stayed for a while about twenty paces away from the platform barrier , numbed by the realization that I had fallen at the first hurdle .
7 He picked up one of those brown shiny golf-balls that I had seen at Pike 's and rolled it across the desk to me .
8 Following the work that I had done at the MU on the Circuit Board Fault Diagnostic Aid in connection with my MSc project , 2 members of the staff had gained experience of expert systems : the Chief Technician and a civilian who had assisted me during the project .
9 amazed that I had returned at all , and
10 I assure the House that , in all the speeches that I have made at police meetings and conferences this year , I have repeatedly stressed to the police that I want them to give this type of crime high priority .
11 But should it be that anyone ever wished to posit that I have attained at least a little of that crucial quality of ‘ dignity ’ in the course of my career , such a person may wish to be directed towards that conference of March 1923 as representing the moment when I first demonstrated I might have a capacity for such a quality .
12 From the time that my colleagues in the House of Commons did me the honour of electing me to be their leader I have felt that I was in the position of a trustee ; and even throughout the war the one thing that I have aimed at constantly has been to preserve .
13 But it is not only trout that I have caught at Coldingham .
14 She started to wish that she had stayed at the table .
15 Rachel relaxed , grateful , and gave her usual careful consideration to the matters before the meeting ; calmly ploughing through the minutiae and bureaucratic red tape of museum management , making the sort of useful contributions that she had made at any such meeting in the last twenty years .
16 It was alleged that she had embezzled at least $5,700,000 from housing foreclosure sales handled for HUD between 1985 and 1988 .
17 Behind her was the backdrop of green garden foliage , and just out of her reach , on a small coffee-table that she had positioned at Faye 's instruction , stood an enormous vase filled with flowers — all red ones , ranging from deepest crimson to a vibrant vermilion orange .
18 Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell .
19 All the turmoil of the past weeks pressed down on her now , that she had arrived at her destination : this slightly tawdry student house with its worn second-hand furniture where she was so obviously unwelcome .
20 That she had slept at all was an encouraging sign that the contamination was fading .
21 How could she not have known she was in love with him ? she wondered — it seemed impossible to believe that she had looked at him , touched him , made love with him , and not known until yesterday .
22 But even as the insult shaped itself in her larynx she discovered that she had smiled at him , openly , quickly , but unmistakably warm .
23 Kopp testified that she had thought at the time that the information was based on " rumours from banking circles " .
24 Sandra , but she preferred Sandy , told us that she 'd worked at the Exhilarator for five months but was just biding her time before she could move away from her mother and get her own place in London .
25 and er Elizabeth , I just ca n't imagine that she 's altered at all
26 I said mark the chap that she 's got at the moment is taking her out to discos and things and she 'll find that he does n't really want to kick in and help to support her .
27 and I found two pairs of Michelle 's knickers after that , I did n't know what , now I do n't know how they manage this year because , she was coming round in the day with little Donna with her and I was around , there you are , you see , these , they , they will love and find a way , anyway , erm , I said dear look , a woman needs a man to support her I said mark my words when the chap that she 's got at the moment is taken her out to disco 's and things , she 'll find that he does n't really want to kick in and help to support her .
28 Have you shown Simon your picture that you 've done at school ?
29 So what how does it compare now would you sa is that kind of erm the other places that you 've lived at you know you 've lived at , Valley and .
30 And since nineteen eighty two , am I right in saying that you 've worked at the law centre in ?
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