Example sentences of "that [pron] be [det] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Not that there 's much data to feed in .
2 It is true that there are many species with horns or antlers , but those are primarily concerned with offence and are only secondarily employed as defensive armour against predators .
3 I hope that the BBC will make more effort in the future to bring more coverage of major tennis events , for example Grand Slams like the French Open , on the scale of coverage they had for Wimbledon because I am sure that there are many people who are in the same situation as me and would like more tennis on TV .
4 It is possible to hear that there are many people in a room , but without vision impossible to count them .
5 There can be little doubt that there are many people in this country who would welcome such a change , as is evidenced by the customers who flock to stores to shop on Sunday when they are given the opportunity to do so ; but it might not be so popular with small retailers who could find it more difficult to open their shops regularly on Sundays to remain competitive with their larger and more powerful rivals .
6 The warm response to the successful National Learn the Organ Year in 1990 suggests that there are many people who are interested in doing so .
7 Common sense also suggests that there are many people who drink before attending sporting contests but do not become involved in fighting .
8 I believe that 's something that needs to be looked at and if the government were prepared to embark on a review of auditing er generally then that is something that I think there is some useful point in pursuing further er it 's interesting that er er erm when Bingham examined this point at paragraph three er point three nine in his report er he has a long paragraph er discussing these matters and er he says that er he at the end of the day he does n't come to a concluded view er although he does er acknowledge the fact that there are many people er depositors or example , share holders and employees who might have an interest in a particular company .
9 Contempt for the emptiness of the ‘ caring ’ rhetoric of people like Chris Patten and fear of the Euro-enthusiasm of people like Mr Heseltine ( not that there are any people like Mr Heseltine , but there are many high in his party who seem to share his desire to join a United States of Europe ) have welled up , and I have thought like Malvolio : ‘ I 'll be revenged on the whole pack of you . ’
10 It may therefore come as a surprise to learn that there are some species which are not only not ‘ rock-dependent ’ , but are also relatively peaceful , even when breeding .
11 With all the trouble in the world , the atrocious killing and starving people , it annoys me that there are some people kicking up a fuss about the noise and smells from the farms .
12 But I know that there are some people here who find such an example hard .
13 The Government have never accepted that there are some people who can not afford to pay for local government services .
14 they 're not practical people , th erm , and it may very well be that there are some people who are very good at the theory , but erm , are not very good at at the practice .
15 Yet many scientists have proven that there are some people who are born with these sensational powers , in particular twins .
16 cos I 'm assuming that there are some people who when it actually comes to the crunch
17 The problem is that there are few data from which to calculate a requirement .
18 Roger Kelly is convinced that there are enough people to invest in the centre : ‘ Five years ago this would have been a pipe-dream , but with the rise of the ethical investment movement it 's become a real possibility .
19 This means that there are more people who might need support in old age , including sharing a home with relatives .
20 We had always known that there were many people looking for a historic building to restore but had not realized the extent , which was very encouraging .
21 And therefore it was a system the the employer encouraged but of course er I do n't think you could say that there were many people who were happy with the system .
22 ‘ . Of course , had the wind been very gusty before , they would already have stopped flying , or they would have taken extra precautions to make sure that there were enough people to prevent an incident .
23 ‘ I had been aware , ’ Jaffray says , ‘ that there were more people with potential for ballet than ever considered entering a ballet class . ’
24 ‘ You have told me , at least , ’ he said , musing , ‘ that there were more people knew Aldhelm would be coming down that path than just the few of us , as it began .
25 Yet personal encounters , first as Cripps 's deputy in the Treasury and later as chancellor of the exchequer , persuaded Gaitskell that there were some people in Washington who appreciated that Britain must be granted some safeguards for her economy .
26 Well , the most serious one , I suppose , is that there were some people in a car driving down the bottom end of Commerical Street and they had their windows broken by stones thrown by Hereford lads .
27 We were fortunate that there were several people present at the Forum who were familiar with the oil industry internationally .
28 We were fortunate that there were several people present at the Forum who were familiar with the oil industry internationally .
29 Erm and and you said in the preliminary interview , the fact that there was some people who actually who lived in the flats who said quite am said quite clearly , this is not the time
30 The hypothesis put forward by Gusfield , that it is those people who have experienced status erosion who become committed , remains at least a priori plausible .
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