Example sentences of "that [pron] be [adv] like " in BNC.

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1 If some of you have had bad experiences with other ‘ Amway people ’ let me promise that I am not like that !
2 ‘ You 'll just have to accept that I am not like other girls , ’ she said lightly .
3 I do n't think so because I 'm not really like that and people who know me know that I 'm not like that .
4 If I got on me high horse every time somebody hinted that I was n't like Betty Grable , I would have ridden to hell long before this . ’
5 If it turns out that she is not like her husband linguistically , the difference is not treated like the difference between miners and public schoolboys .
6 I doubt that she is much like the real Gertrude Lawrence but she is decidedly a class act .
7 She could remember the times when she had patronisingly tried to include some wallflower into a party , inwardly breathing a sigh of relief that she was n't like that .
8 She knew it was snobbish , that she was just like any other package holiday-maker .
9 ‘ And because of that application form , Matthew thinks that you 're just like me — that you 'll stretch the rules a bit to get what you want .
10 They 'll see that we 're just like them .
11 We try to pretend that sex is n't so important , that we are just like everyone else , just as we sought to distance ourselves from books like The Milkman 's On His Way during the Section 28 debates .
12 So you were always , you were always faced with this er coming from the membership you know , that we were always like the cow 's tail you know , we 'll always be behind .
13 They are sucking up to you because they never grew up , and they never grew up because ( if men ) they are ashamed that they are not like me or ( if women ) have never been admitted into full womanhood by being slathered with Noxzema Regular Protective Shave Formula and roped to a groyne .
14 The promoters tell us that it 's not like a book in which someone is telling you something .
15 Having accepted the fact that your body is a machine for which you do not have the manual , and that it is not like anyone else 's body , what can you do about it ?
16 But we can now see that it is n't like that at all .
17 She had n't seen him for some years , of course , but she was sure that it was n't like him to be so edgy … so extraordinarily tense and restless .
18 He led her along a cold flagged corridor now , where the walls gleamed faintly with phosphorescence , and where , although wall sconces flared bravely , the light was greenish and lack-lustre , so that it was rather like walking under water .
19 Marjorie had opened the long sash windows and pushed the table near them , so that it was almost like eating in the garden .
20 Clare noticed that her hair had been cropped shorter than before , so that it was almost like fur on her head .
21 They insisted that neither loyalists nor republicans would have left 200 lb of explosive within a few feet of men and women working contentedly in the bakery kitchen and suggested that it was more like the work of outside agents , acting under strict and impersonal orders .
22 Father Watson had been more than a little frightened by it , and had confided in the nuns that it was more like something produced by some mechanical contrivance , than by a human being .
23 It does n't matter that he 's not like them .
24 But everyone knows from hearing and seeing him , that he 's more like their dad : hard-working , dour and driven .
25 you know , that he 's actually like that .
26 More than anything else Alexei knew that he was not like his father , and could never belong here .
27 The Pharisee , Jesus said , thanked God that he was not like the Publican or any other lesser mortal .
28 Despite the fact that both mother and teacher said that he was always like this , it happened on average three times a day only after he was asked to do something other than play by himself .
29 What we did n't realise at the time was that one of the main reasons that Malcolm was so keen on John was that he was so like Richard Hell — who was one of Malcolm s mates in New York .
30 She set the time and was too happy to notice that he was more like a man listening to a door close than one going towards his joy .
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