Example sentences of "that [pron] 'll [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 So I think that I 'll do a little more work on camera in a couple of years ’ time , and then see if I can become a proper writer . ’
2 Well one of the obvious pluses is that I 'll have a chance to do what I want to do when I want to do it .
3 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
4 oh , give me that I 'll have a bit of it thank you
5 Aye have a look , while you 're doing that I 'll have a look at what bits and pieces see if I talk to you for a minute about these
6 I have to be convinced that she 'll make a good mother . ’
7 Right , so that you 'll do a clean run through .
8 If you do n't tell them that you 'll want a deposit cheque of thirty five percent of the first year 's payment depending on what you charge them
9 The more features that 're fired , the more likely it is that you 'll get an out or the higher the activity level of the cognitive demon and then the more likely that the decision demon will decide that that 's the appropriate character .
10 ‘ There 's always the danger that you 'll lose a number and the pressure comes back on .
11 Doubt that you 'll find a loophole easily . ’
12 That one will be joined to a quaver beat , so that you 'll have a group of three .
13 What will happen in fact is that you 'll have a start date for your system , which was basically when N1 was , and what they will be looking for is that everything from that date forward is complying right so that a job that started before then , they wo n't look for the initial part of that job to comply right as of that date onwards they will look for it to comply .
14 I 'm absolutely convinced it can , and particularly now that you 'll have a government in East Germany which will be , on all the important questions , in total accord with the government in West Germany .
15 Well if you can get that we 'll have a look at that and I want you to try some of these equations in it .
16 by no means perfect and there are some loopholes in it that we 'll have a look at in a moment .
17 It seems to me from looking at the figures within the projections that what North Yorkshire are are planning is that we 'll have a return to that widening black area that 's part of that particular diagram .
18 Now what 's the chance , that we 'll get a blue out of the first bag , and a blue out of the second bag ?
19 Let's call that equation one seven er in actual fact what we 'll do is that we 'll put a random random error term on the end as well just to say that this is , rule is not perfect and there will be some fluctuations around it .
20 Keeping things simple , generally the safest approach , means that we 'll use a standard typeface but use it very big .
21 Hoping that they 'll have a home .
22 Happily , the faux-pas has n't stopped Dino continuing to make inroads into the Irish record market ; latest news from the camp is that they 'll have an album from Latoya Jackson in the shops for Christmas …
23 She says she 's hoping that they 'll find a new kidney donor .
24 A new board is voted in on the promise that they 'll get a better deal .
25 One of the main shareholders of the Oxfordshire brewery Morland has announced that it 'll reject a hostile takeover bid for the company .
26 According to a report In ComputerWorld IBM is now saying that it 'll have a single micro-kernel-based operating system for OS/2 and AIX within two years , allowing users to run Unix or OS/2 applications in either environment .
27 But having written TCP/IP and NFS functionality into NT , it is adamant that it 'll develop a Windows application programming interface for SVR4 with or without USL 's help .
28 Anyway , I 'm only being friendly with Dr Rafaelo so that he 'll arrange a meeting for me with the handsome Miguelito .
29 Yeah erm the amount of police necessary for each area is based on all sorts of statistics , and for the statis statistics that we have for this area , we have or the chief constable 's decided that he 'll allocate a hundred and two police officers to police this area , which we find adequate .
30 He tells Dixie that he 'll take an ounce .
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