Example sentences of "that [pron] was [adv] time " in BNC.

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1 He planned carefully so that there was always time and no panic .
2 It was also a reminder that it was nearly time to seek out his last visual co-ordinate and prepare to take over manual control of the aircraft once again .
3 This reminded him that it was nearly time for church , so he heaved himself to his feet and went to make some more coffee , this time for Mrs Frizzell as well .
4 ( It was my wife and ethnographic collaborator , Carole Robarchek , who , recognizing the importance of autonomy as a factor in her data on economic decision-making , suggested that it was perhaps time to address this imbalance . )
5 Suddenly she realized that her phobia was beginning to make her a prisoner in her own home , and that it was about time she sought help in overcoming it .
6 After reading some of the criticisms from readers in the past few months I felt that it was about time I wrote in .
7 He was in this office a fortnight ago saying that it was about time as his father was getting on and one never knew , et cetera et cetera …
8 Leith knew then , when her mother began , ‘ Is n't it exciting ? ’ that she was wasting her time expecting her to agree that it was about time Sebastian got his act together .
9 Glancing at his watch , Major Tzann noted that it was almost time for the briefing .
10 Two weeks ago I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that it was now time for the Church Militant to denounce antibiotics in the same uncompromising terms once used against usury , but I suspect my advice ( admittedly unsolicited ) will go the same way as the seed of Onan .
11 Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , said on Friday that it was now time to change ‘ the tone and mood of Scottish politics ’ and added : ‘ I have always accepted that a referendum could be an appropriate mechanism for sounding out opinion , particularly on constitutional issues . ’
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