Example sentences of "that [pron] would be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If an upwave was due , it was inevitable that thee would be bad debts , and Money Advice would be needed to help .
2 The Government 's first intention was to expand radio so that everyone would be able to receive it easily .
3 Mr Williams predicted that everyone would be happy with the service provided on the ship which has been upgraded as part of a £6m investment throughout the line 's car ferry fleet .
4 Mr Williams predicted that everyone would be happy with the service provided on the ship which has been upgraded as part of a £6m investment throughout the line 's car ferry fleet .
5 But Jane insists she 's still a Gazza fan … and that no-one would be happier than her if he put his troubles behind him and established himself as the best , as well as the most talked about , footballer in the world .
6 I begged not to go to school the next day , but Mama said that I was over my cold and that I would be safer at school in case her trick should fail .
7 But even though I was in love , I did n't hide from myself the fact that I would be unhappy with Estella .
8 It was the same story with the first three but the fourth told me that I would be certain to get a coffin from a firm of suppliers in Birkenhead and was kind enough to give me their telephone number .
9 Fire extinguishers may seem a good idea , but there are so many types to be used for so many different sorts of fires that I would be nervous of escalating a fire , rather than killing it , by using the wrong type of extinguisher .
10 I shall show why I do not think — it is not what my officials think , but what I think — that I would be right to use the discretion which he correctly said lies with me .
11 that I would be overdrawn .
12 Did you imagine that I would be grateful for the attention ?
13 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
14 ‘ Oh , you were always a fool , Neil , always — a fool to think that I would be content to live on nothing with a younger son and a fool to reject me now that I can give you the life which you ought to be living . ’
15 It did occur to me that since everyone seemed to be playing a game with rules unknown to me , Robert might not be concerned only that I would be bored by myself , but he might want me to go with him for reasons of his own .
16 ‘ I have made , ’ says Lars Von Trier , the film 's Danish director , ‘ a film that I would be afraid to see . ’
17 I said that I would be happy to appear on any television programme about the valleys initiative at any time .
18 I , I mean I , I , I w I could n't say that I would be happy being in the house all the time .
19 In order to reassure himself , he might question the stranger about things from my own past , recalling occasions which only I could possibly remember and comparing his answers with those that I would be likely to give .
20 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
21 He also informed me that I would be mad by the age of 21 .
22 Nothing very much has happened so far , but I thought I would take the opportunity to write a longish letter , knowing that I would be busy later on .
23 He is the most considerate of men , and he 'd know that I would be worried about him . "
24 I keep Koi in the main pond and goldfish in the other and like many fishkeepers ( whom I suspect are in the same situation as I ) I felt that I would be happier with some sort of quarantine/treatment facility for use when I purchase new fish .
25 Maybe someone 's trying to tell me that I would be happier doing something else . ’ ’
26 The reason I ask is that I would be interested in knowing where Leeds are in the attendance league .
27 I felt that I would be able to work more efficiently if I could refer patients in my care to any of the A&E doctors .
28 ‘ I was always hopeful that I would be able to fight my way back into the representative scene but that was the early chance I needed ’ , recalled Roebuck .
29 Obviously the tank would be the most expensive item , and there was no way that I would be able to afford a ‘ Brand Name tank of the size required and have enough left to fit it out .
30 I once attended one such two day course with the idea that I would be able to find out what makes a designer ‘ tick ’ .
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