Example sentences of "that [pron] [was/were] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the junction with the road she braked just long enough to see that nothing was coming then turned right and careered wildly down the long hill into the village .
2 They would ask me into their classes to watch them teach ; they gave me time for interviews ; they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I at various points in my research I erm attempted to feed back to them some of the material that I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this and I would erm use those meetings then to refine my ideas .
3 When a colleague discovered that I was coming here to do this er she saw it as laughable and she also saw it as something that I would prefer to keep quiet from my colleagues and tried a bit of moral blackmail on me as well to say I 'm going to tell them about that if you do n't them about this sort of thing .
4 Yeah , so er , he would n't of know you see , cos I only found out today , I would n't of , I have n't had a chance to tell him that I was coming here , but I thought well I 'd call on me way home and see how you are
5 My next call was to the company that had been holding some of my things in storage , just to warn them that I was coming round .
6 My God , I 'd even told my grandfather that I was coming home — and bringing my future bride . ’
7 I worshipped you , Angela , thought that I was coming back to you , and when you left me , you left me with nothing .
8 Even after what I just learned I could n't believe you 've been lying to me since we met — that I was coming back to ask you — ’
9 Alison had rung to say that she was coming up to London for an appointment and could they lunch at a restaurant to which they had both occasionally gone when working at Brentwoods , if they happened to be feeling affluent .
10 The sound indicated that she was coming down the mast .
11 It so happened that the very train that ended Mr Cubbage 's life was carrying the delayed mail and in one of the mail bags was a letter from Coleen agreeing to Mr Cubbage 's proposal of marriage and saying that she was coming home to her lover .
12 She wished so desperately that she was coming home with good news .
13 As she talked Eva revealed it was not just that she was coming back to God , but that she had realised she must give her whole self to him for the ministry .
14 ‘ I always heard tell of you that you were a wolf , but never that you were come so low as to prey on dead men .
15 I 'd rather got the impression that you were coming round to quite enjoying working for me . ’
16 For a while , there , she 'd been convinced that everything was coming together .
17 An NCO clutching a grenade marched up to the barrier and Kahane told him that they were coming back from the front and were in a hurry .
18 How did they used to get the messages in then that they were coming in ?
19 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
20 That it were coming down and then
21 The worst part was wrestling through the urban traffic , knowing that it was coming up to sailing time .
22 I heard/saw a large bomb leave the Ju87 and was certain that it was coming straight at me .
23 There was good reason for him to remain at the helm now , too : the wind was freshening and veering , so that it was coming close to dead astern .
24 He rang to say that he was coming up to town that evening … ’
25 He was just beginning to worry about his fuel situation when he was called into the searchlight area , only to be fired on by A.A. He advised Control that he was coming in to land and requested that the flare path be lit , but was advised that there was still an alert in force and therefore no flare path could be employed .
26 Vincent had written to tel 1 her that he was coming back .
27 And I was thankful that he was coming back alright .
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