Example sentences of "that [pron] [was/were] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , Ealhfrith began to favour Roman tradition while his father , Bede says , considered that nothing was to be preferred to the teachings of the Scottish clergy ( HE III , 25 ) .
2 The gentleman took due note of it in a single glance , decided that nothing was to be gained by ill temper , and , reassembling his smile , he turned it upon her full-force .
3 For it was she who told herself that nothing was to be gained at this moment by recrimination , that Sir George 's land and influence at Stockton were still big assets ( though nowhere near worth the price at which they had been bought ) , and that a moping Sir George — a sackcloth-ashes flagellant — could be all it needed to bring the whole structure of confidence tumbling down .
4 Well when it was started up , the first unit that I was with was from the shop floor at Bloxwich Lock and Stamping and erm it took the nucleus of people off the shop floor and then after we 'd finished our ten hour shift during the summer or when we could , we started foot drill training in the yard of the factory .
5 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
6 The upshot was that I was summoned by the university authorities and told that I was to be allowed to continue my studies but only under certain stringent conditions .
7 As it turned out , fate had decreed that I was to be the one who would change this unhappy state of affairs .
8 She did not know that I was to be there and came forward saying : ‘ My dear Elizabeth , what a very nice surprise .
9 It was from Magda that we heard early in September that a British Sunday newspaper had reported that an Iranian with close links to Hezbollah had said in Beirut that I was to be released immediately .
10 Did you truly believe , it seemed to say , that I was to be so easily pinned down ?
11 ‘ The Prince of Wales discovered that I was to be at Broadstairs at this time ; my cooking pleased him , ’ he added simply , ‘ and voilà , he asked for me to cook this banquet too .
12 He had concluded that there was no likelihood of a breach of the peace , largely , it would seem , because the protesters had emphasised that theirs was to be a peaceful event .
13 One of these documents had informed her that she was to be attached to a Mr Victor Wilcox , Managing Director of J. Pringle & Sons , for one day a week during the remainder of the winter term , and she had chosen Wednesdays for this undertaking since it was the day she normally kept free from teaching .
14 Maria replied that she was to be allowed to come for two days in the week following her letter .
15 The next day all this was swept from their minds when a letter arrived from Eileen , saying that she was to be married by special licence .
16 The letter had definitely stated that she was to be met .
17 With the plaintiff 's cooperation and the assistance of care , they have seen to it that the plaintiff was not to be institutionalised and that she was to be brought back into a loving home and encouraged to be the thinking , intelligent and lively person she still is .
18 Perhaps he 'd come to tell her he 'd changed his mind about his decision that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ until Travis was over her , she mused , and , since courtesy cost nothing , she invited him in .
19 This , she realised , was what lay behind that dreadful feeling of alarm she had experienced when Naylor had first stated that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ .
20 ‘ There 's been one thing understood between us for years and that was that you were to be discreet .
21 The telephone rang at 8a.m. this morning to alert me to the fact that you were to be broadcasting on Radio 4 … 't was a friend of mine to whom I had mentioned your future plans …
22 Wendy and I were pleased to find that we were to be billeted in the same small town of Wolverton — pleased , that is , until we saw it !
23 He had the expatriate knack of being lent things and getting himself looked after on his return to the native land , and as they talked it became apparent that we were to be entertained to lunch by the gallery owner .
24 I realised at the beginning of 1992 that we were not core and that we were to be disposed of — we had a very difficult year . ’
25 And the Royal Institution of Great Britain in Albemarle Street was that day announcing that there were to be eight lectures given by Mr. Faraday on Static or Franklinic Electricity , to commence on 21 April .
26 Going along the road , er on the A Nineteen , from the north towards er the village er if one assumed that there were to be some development on site D forty , would you be able to see it from the road ?
27 Buzz had warned Clare that there were to be no more arguments , and now all Elinor had to do was get well .
28 Worse still , she had apparently issued instructions before her appearance ‘ that there were to be no topical references , no jokes and minimal body contact ’ .
29 Noel explains why the number is so small : ‘ When we took on this responsibility it was made clear that there were to be no extra funds specifically for underwater archaeology .
30 Later that afternoon , when she had finished her shopping and passed the shop a second time , she found the E had been changed to an A. Just as , when she informed her class of noisy fourteen-year-olds that there was to be ‘ no more of that ’ , there was no more .
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