Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] give [art] " in BNC.

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1 He suggested that I might give a dinner to the leading newspaper editors and proprietors , when he could make some statement calculated to neutralise some of the undoubted venom that was then directed at him .
2 If I knew how to make copies of myself , I 'm not sure that I would give the project high priority in competition with all the other things I want to do : why should I ?
3 My Lords , I I 'm not sure that I can give an absolute answer to that , it would be wrong for me to , to guess .
4 The most comforting assurance that I can give the hon. Gentleman , which I am sure that he will welcome , is that the results of the study will be made public .
5 I am not sure that I can give the hon. Gentleman the first information that he requested .
6 I felt that somebody should give the other side … how such a tragedy brings all kinds of penalties in its wake . ’
7 Joan too had heard the current gossip and had lain awake for much of the previous night , persuading herself it was a fabrication and that she must give no heed to wagging tongues .
8 Already exhausted from her night 's activities , she was also acutely aware that she must give no sign of tiredness for fear of arousing suspicion .
9 I do n't think , though , that we should give the impression
10 This is what I call the strategy of non-decision , the decision that we will do nothing , that we wo n't harass the child , that we will give the child time to relax and move at his own pace , rather than determining the pace that we feel the child ought to be following .
11 Evaluation , then , may require prior criteria against which the evaluation can be made ; but that does not mean that we can give a full and detailed account of those criteria .
12 ‘ Sure , we want to make profits to give our shareholders a reasonable return on their investment , and to enable us to maintain and enhance our capital base so that we can give a steadily better service to an ever larger number of customers .
13 Being able to find out for oneself has a number of contributory sub-skills attached to it , and in planning resource-based programmes for our classes we must take into account such sub-skills so that we can give the chance for them to develop and mature .
14 that 's why , that 's so that we can give the shop his control of supply which actually like my da , you 're saying if it was a computer disc supplier he could have next day delivery to him and then next day delivery to my man .
15 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
16 Indeed , there is a greater likelihood that they could give the names of more researchers in the same field in another country than they could give the names of staff in other disciplines in the same building .
17 Quite apart from the fact that they would appear to be unorthodox and a distortion at its best of Christian theology , I believe it must be said of all these suggestions that , if what is intended is that they should give an equal place to women or to the ‘ feminine ’ within the Christian religion , they fail .
18 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
19 There 's other associates who like to know beforehand roughly how much they can provide for people by way of life cover and living assurance , so that they can give the people some idea , or maybe want to sit in front of them and use the rate book to give them some idea .
20 I remember telling the Secretary of State that the poll tax was cumbersome , burdening and complicated ; that it would give a great deal of trouble to local council finance departments ; and that it was inevitable that thousands upon thousands of mistakes would be made .
21 Perhaps the er chief of a Policy E two in an acceptable form is that it would give a clear signal to the district that it would not be appropriate to have a policy on rural diversification or in in development in the countryside more generally , which is stricter than Government guidance .
22 One of the great arguments for sentencing within the community is the opportunity that it ought to give the offender to make restitution in some way for the damage or hurt that he or she has caused .
23 The danger of this approach is that it may give the erroneous impression that companies are constantly embroiled in internecine strife , and that investors and creditors are habitually maltreated by dishonest or incompetent company controllers .
24 On one of the trials , Ray placed a popsock over the end of a pipe delivering water that had been through an Eradicator and , in 72 hours , collected a golf ball-sized piece of limescale from the mesh … in East Anglia , the water is so hard that it will give a kettle an internal fur coat in no time , and here was the proof .
25 The health authority , one of the 30 most efficient in the country , is consulting on third-wave trust status because it believes that it can give a better service to patients and local people on that basis .
26 Kurchatov visited Harwell and suggested that he might give a lecture on Soviet work into thermonuclear reactions in gas discharges .
27 Harold Wilson , the prime minister , had stated earlier in the day that he would give a television broadcast to the nation at 10.15 p.m. in the evening .
28 He welcomed Father Gallagher once again in the diocese , confident that he would give a stimulating and informative day .
29 Caedwalla attempted , according to Bede , to exterminate the natives and replace them with inhabitants of his own kingdom , vowing , though still a pagan , that he would give a fourth part of the island and the booty seized to the Church if he were successful .
30 Is the right hon. Gentleman saying that he would give a commitment on any terms less than those that we are prepared to give ?
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