Example sentences of "that [pron] [adv] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably because I was too young , and because life was so full in other ways that I never had time or any real reason to question it .
2 She felt guilty , but she could say with a clear conscience that her business was so demanding that she hardly had time to think of Northumberland although , in truth , as her successes and problems in Italy had increased , there seemed less and less reason to return to Nora .
3 But Kay has admitted ( in her charming Ivy and Stevie ) that she sometimes had difficulty in deciphering her notes , and that Ivy was often mysterious and contradictious .
4 When she looked up the mountainside , as if searching for help there , I realized that she still had fear of me , little knowing the true state of affairs , and felt herself like an animal in a trap .
5 Dugan has claimed that she never had sex with clients .
6 But most require that you already have security , either in the form of equity in your home ( i.e. if it has risen significantly in value since you bought it ) or as money in the bank .
7 And this , this other thing as well about erm which is obviously and erm I think what they had in mind was that before you start doing anything radical , before you start having any real land reform at all , you have to ensure that you really have control of that area , he 's had this
8 You should also remember that you too have safety needs and you should learn about potential dangers to yourself and other staff .
9 He will remember that we also had difficulty over the Tombs report when again we could not get the necessary information .
10 It is not individual qualities that we ever have occasion to predicate .
11 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
12 Yes and no , er I , there wo n't be another East German scholarship because there wo n't be another East Germany er next year it will disappear , it will just not exist , which er I think what we 're really celebrating , the fact that we now have freedom of movement of young people from what was the Eastern Bloc will now just be Eastern Europe , er into the West in the same way that western students can travel around .
13 The Floribunda has become very popular , and as this has increased so has the H.T. influence increased over the Polyantha to the extent that we now have H.T. type roses being borne in abundance .
14 We have advised environmental health officers that they already have power under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 temporarily to remove equipment such as audio equipment to ensure that a noise abatement notice is complied with .
15 Under the policy , companies that want to import computers to India have to show that they also have export orders for software .
16 I , for one , certainly would not wish to put people under so much pressure that they never have time to read a non-work book or attend a concert , or pursue a hobby , or do worthwhile work in the environment or the community .
17 We want them to volunteer to pay compensation to the offen Er to the victim , because that way we know that they genuinely have concern over what they 've done and they 've faced up their responsibilities .
18 Still a few sea bass here , though they 're so delicious that they hardly have time to freeze .
19 Sam Wanamaker enthuses that they now have permission to thatch the roof of the gallery and thrust stage .
20 However , parents have one big advantage and that is that they now have access to the GCSE and A-level exam results of all pupils — that is the biggest giveaway !
21 Yes sir he told me that er would know because they ha had been together in prison and that he also had information that they had been planning armed robberies together .
22 She told me that he just had time to wrap a small gift of appreciation .
23 He was so occupied with the accuracy of his record that he scarcely had time to pay attention to the narrative as a whole and it was n't until Evans fell silent that the statement jelled in his mind .
24 She smiled at his enthusiasm , relieved that he now had help with the sheep .
25 He then said that he now had confirmation from the police and that I qualified for a transfer and would receive an offer for Govan ( where my dad is ) within a week .
26 Their seniors attended Thorfinn , moving in rotation , so that he always had Osbern or Ansfred his son or Baldric or Hugh de Riveire or Flodwig or Salomon of the Val de Saire or some combination of these in his company , as was the rule with his mormaers and their leading men .
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