Example sentences of "that [pron] [adv] [was/were] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had to convince Mrs Blackler that I genuinely was Elsie 's brother .
2 Yet at the same time she knew that she actually was Martha — she felt like Martha deep within her and had , in fact , completely forgotten why she was being hypnotized and regressed .
3 The wife obligingly lifted her arm and for the first time there was a flash of something pale , as if to show that there really was flesh and blood beneath the shapeless black garment .
4 Although the sacred character of the pillar crypts has been questioned , there is plenty of evidence that they too were cult structures .
5 After the first clash , when the crowd was halted in front of the police cordon , some of the women had argued with the police and told them that they too were victims of the ‘ system ’ .
6 During the trial another seven women approached the police to say that they too were victims of Courtney .
7 Indeed , many of them experienced agonies of self-doubt ; all too aware of their inadequacies as Christians , they threw themselves headlong into acts of piety and charity in order to prove to themselves that they really were God 's elect .
8 And what were the chances of persuading him that it really was coincidence ?
9 And then , as her dazed mind finally absorbed the fact that it really was Ross , and not a figment of her overheated imagination , she quickly jumped to her feet and ran swiftly across the floor towards him .
10 And while it is easy enough for an experienced journalist to write that synopsis from memory ( checking for the elusive name of Software Arts and making sure that it really was PrairieTek that vanished last year ) , it would take a deal of research and above all deep thought to put together a dissertation on why things panned out the way they did , the fatal mistakes , the good decisions that each company made to achieve triumph or disaster , or both in quick succession .
11 Initially this satisfied the Marne growers , since they were pleased that the government had not ratified the Aube 's claim that it too was part of Champagne .
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