Example sentences of "that [pron] [noun pl] are [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having said this , I am still as ever quite prepared to show any curious , doubting lady ( providing she be attractive ) that my credentials are in order …
2 Thus , perhaps , I believe that my children are at present playing in the garden at home , and I have good reasons for this belief .
3 I shall treat my own family in the same way , disregarding the fiction that my children are in some mystical way an extension of myself .
4 Indeed , one of the strengths of fundamentalism is that its apologetics are within the reach of the average man and woman .
5 Spencer Stuart 's business in London and Manchester owes much of its success to its Britishness , to the fact that its consultants are at home in even the most conservative Boardrooms ; the firm works in direct contrast to the style apparently adopted by Korn/Ferry , for instance .
6 Is it Eleanor 's notion or mine that sex in itself is a drug : that its effects are like heroin ?
7 The 20-year campaign to clean up Lake Vänern in southern Sweden has been so successful that its waters are in danger of becoming sterile — too clean for fish and plants .
8 Newham council says that its residents are in favour of the scheme , but will they still support it when they learn that 1,000 homes in Stratford will be at risk from settlement when the railway line goes into a shallow tunnel because of the geological conditions in the area ?
9 The main plot of the story becomes more interesting towards the end when Carrie realises that her powers are without limit .
10 My conclusion of the strength of her faith is that her convictions are in fact not so deep-seated or so fundamental as to constitute an immutable decision by her as to her way of life — or her way of death .
11 They felt that their students are in the caring field and ‘ ought naturally to empathise with students with severe learning difficulties ’ .
12 Children need to feel that their parents are in control ; it makes them feel safer .
13 Rather , it is to emphasise that their members are in general uninformed about it ; and that even where they are not uninformed , they are for the most part unversed in it .
14 Players have to remember that their livelihoods are at stake .
15 I should know , I was , I mean ask Mark , you know , how many people are the are , its very naive to think that , that their civilians are in a , in a poor way but their military is as well .
16 If society has no use for old people , is it any wonder that older people feel that their lives are without meaning ?
17 ‘ We warn them that their lives are in danger , ’ said the speaker .
18 A point overlooked by many marketers is that their customers are at the same time also customers of their competitors .
19 This disparity between the evidence available to major capitalists and the beliefs they hold suggests , according to Miller , that their beliefs are to be explained in the following way :
20 Their permeable skins , however , still dictate that their surroundings are to be moist if the animals are to avoid death by desiccation .
21 The advertisers obviously wish to give the idea that their products are for blondes or light-skinned people only , or maybe that if you use their product you will suddenly be transformed into a seductive beauty with a string of young men at your fingertips .
22 Vittas and Brown also defend the UK financial institutions against the criticism that their loans are of shorter maturity than those in other countries .
23 None of your navel-lint , tit-licking pen-fuckers so infatuated with the twitchings of the ego they remain sublimely indifferent to the obscene fact that their words are worth less than the flies tormenting the eyelids of an African child .
24 Connect all the wire leads required , and finally insert the i.c.s into their sockets ensuring that their notches are towards the top .
25 Maxie went on : ‘ Y ’ see , everyone who was at the tea will keep reading the social pages for the next day or two to see that their names are in the report of it ; and , with luck , inside that time , on the same pages there 'll be a report about your Morals Committee — then they 'll know why you had the books , and old Miss Angus will be put in her place .
26 ‘ But of course — my wife says that we anthropologists are like a housewife faced with the remains of yesterday 's stew and wondering whether it can possibly be eked out to make another meal . ’
27 To take a wild hypothetical instance , the police could torture a suspect into revealing the location of stolen goods and then use the fact that his fingerprints are on them at his trial .
28 Mr Plumpton has the odd notion that his pupils are in some way superior to Hawkwood 's .
29 If the second person says that his cards are in the first and last row you know that they are at the t in mutus and the t in dedit .
30 Smith 's job is to make people see he could care less , can do something about Britain 's problems and that his words are worth more than those of Johnny Devaluation .
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