Example sentences of "that [pron] [noun pl] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I was very glad that my acquaintances escorted me to the Metro , with instructions to change at Dentfert-Rochereau for the Cité Universitaire , where I had managed to book a room in the Pavillon Franco-Britannique .
2 I 'm shocked that my children heard it . ’
3 And she squirmed quickly on beside him , turning so that her breasts touched him .
4 Mrs Gaskell , who knew much better than Jane Austen how the poor really lived , and saw that her readers knew it too by taking them inside ( at least in towns ) , nevertheless allows her heroine , Margaret , to take pleasure in sketching the exterior of a squatter cottage which is due for demolition in the New Forest .
5 It also reassured them that their parents loved them and cared about their wellbeing .
6 Several informants in my study articulated the view that their parents preferred them to speak British English : Mom — mom likes me to speak mostly English , she said when I go out into , you know , upper class society , and I start speakin " Patois dey might not understand , and take me as an idiot .
7 The magico-religious content of many of the seal images makes it likely that their owners treated them as amulets as well .
8 In fact , we can turn the apparent paradox on its head : what would happen if the people of the future decided not to communicate with the past , despite the fact that their histories told them that they were going to ?
9 All of them were aware of their role and did n't seem to mind too much that their peers thought them to be crazy .
10 But some drivers who were assessed to be unsafe admitted that their peers encouraged them to drive fast .
11 Women who told me that their partners accused them of using tears to manipulate them agreed that there were times when they deliberately wept , but said that it was often the only way they could get their partner 's attention .
12 Shilton rightly won the PFA 's player award , while Burns re-formed so impressively that we writers voted him Footballer of the Year .
13 Despite financial difficulties , however , Hahnemann displayed such intellectual ability that his teachers helped him in his studies and allowed him to finance his education by tutoring the younger children in the school .
14 The worst of it was that his headaches made him so angry ; it was a symptom of the poison that was killing him by degrees .
15 ‘ The gentleman before you complained that his lenses gave him double vision and headaches .
16 ‘ The reason he never had any was that his tastes precluded it , ’ said Rose , spitting out the words .
17 Theo the go-between was soon urgently warning Vincent that his parents believed he should have treatment and were in touch with the lunatic asylum at Geel near Antwerp .
18 Ramsey was sent to two dames ' schools in succession but learnt so little that his parents took him away and for a year he was taught at home by his mother .
19 She could n't leave them any money because all she had was an annuity that would come to an end when she died , but Mister Johnny 's got a little bit that his parents left him and Hepzibah makes some from the poultry , so they should have just enough .
20 It is also true that to wrestle with his thought demands a rethinking of the Gospel : that his students found him so witty and stimulating a teacher is understandable .
21 That his clothes hugged him like a second skin , hiding nothing .
22 He was so cunning about it that his dancers thought they were still working for John !
23 One new salesman at DPR Futures proved so ineffectual and lethargic that his colleagues found it comical to teach him wide techniques .
24 Anthony , predictably enough Julia thought , decided that his patients needed him too much for him to take any kind of holiday over the Easter weekend , but he made no objection to David 's formal request to take Julia away to stay with his mother .
25 Ever since I started consultancy work in politics , I 'd been pushing for the use of this simple invention — a British one — but it was n't until after President Reagan used it in his address to the Houses of Parliament that our politicians felt it was worthy of notice .
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