Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] not [that] " in BNC.

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1 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
2 So you can see what you go into the master bedroom there 's a man and a woman in bed , is n't it obvious in a second that it 's not that it 's Mr and Mrs ?
3 Er , one of the paradoxes of the modern era as er , pointed out by Tom Peters , not by me , one of the few things I do not claim original thought on , erm , is , is that it 's not that we , people think that we do n't have enough information at our fingertips and are constantly striving to gather more and more , the opposite is actually true .
4 I have been accused of favouring Transworld in the past , so I feel I must defend myself and say that it is not that I love Transworld so much as that I admire success .
5 That it is n't that you 've got up on the wrong side or eaten something which did n't agree with you or just need a few days ' rest .
6 When I asked Roger Forster whether they had ever started a new congregation without a full-time worker he replied that it was not that they were in principle against it , but in practice they had not done so .
7 On the other , that he was not forgotten-that there were pockets of admirers who still cherished his books throughout the long years when they were out of print .
8 that 's another story with a an unusual ending cos I 'd have thought when you were saying that he was n't that he did n't give them the
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