Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] [adv] important " in BNC.

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1 I think that itself is quite important in a lot of ways , ’ says Gedge .
2 Who 'd have thought that we were so important ?
3 Handy for determined sceptics , ex-members of the Socialist Workers Party , liberal intellectuals who want it to be known that there are more important things in life than just getting a green certificate .
4 Social scientists who have considered the phenomenon have all agreed that there are more important reasons for it than the attitudes of administrators .
5 Now , what 's the difference between Switzerland and Scotland is it , is it that the Swiss have more money ? , is it that the Swiss are more body conscious , is it that the Scot 's are more puritanical , they think that there are more important things to think about , what do you think ?
6 I do n't think so I believe that the hunting fraternity is not blameless and indeed the , all their arguments are not quite correct in every sense but I firmly believe that there are more important matters for this council to debate and spend its time and money on .
7 So having said that I thought that there were more important issues for the council to discuss , I do n't think it 'd be fair to let this second debate on the subject pass without actually making a few er er a very short erm a few short remarks cos I think we need to be clear about the issues .
8 It is a debate which presumably would have appealed to Howard although his own views seem to have been that they are equally important .
9 But during the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic they occurred in such profusion in inshore sediments that they are frequently important components of the rocks in which they are found .
10 But individualism rests on the assumption that individuals are not like this : it is because they themselves contribute to the system of social life that they are so important in explaining it .
11 But the ear bones of toothed whales are heavy and quite rudimentary , and we do not think that they are very important in transmitting received ultrasounds .
12 The end product of psychedelia was not a new way of looking at the world and a liberation of the mind , but rather a lot of shit concept albums in the 1970s and an inaccurate belief on the part of pop stars that they were somehow important .
13 So I think that it 's desperately important that people are conscious of that now .
14 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
15 Er Madam Speaker , I I agree with er the honourable gentleman that it 's extremely important that the various agencies do play a part in working together to ensure effective action with minimum bureaucracy and I know that the honourable gentleman has been anxious to ensure that that happens in his own constituency and his own area where he is dealing with the problems of high unemployment er and the fall out from the closures of pits in his area and if the honourable gentleman has any specific er er measures which he would like us to look at then I 'd be very happy to consider those .
16 I wonder how important it is for those players because the the competition over here has its detractors , what about over there , I ca n't imagine the Italians being that bothered about doing well in this competition , certainly the gates over there do n't suggest that it 's that important ?
17 Sue Robertson , Educational Officer at The South Bank Centre , feels extremely grateful to Kodak for their essential contribution to this project , and believes that it 's very important to combat the idea many young people seem to have that galleries are very boring places to visit .
18 I think that it 's very important for people who smoke not to blame themselves , it is not their fault they smoke .
19 I mean I want to start with , with pensions pay and er , basically what 's happening is that everyone 's suffering pay cuts er and er th th what the government is doing is , first of all is attacking the State pension scheme er , and it 's allowing , er , employers to continue to rip-off occupational pension schemes and er since it 's pay , and it 's our pay , we wan na make sure we control it and I do n't see why the employers should be allowed to continue to exploit er , us both at one , both in terms of the pay we get now and the pay we get when we retire , whether it be at sixty whether it be er , whenever we wish to er retire and er , I think it 's very important if the government is er committed to crime prevention , that it actually starts doing something about those for , those , those employers , and Maxwell has , has been er referred to already , he 's just the tip of this very big iceberg er , and er , up and down the country , people are suffering substantial thefts of pay er employers are systematically organizing wages snatches , that 's what this er pension fraud is all about , and it 's about time that our government actually got round er and tackled this very important corporate crime issue that 's actually going on at the moment and er , I think that it 's very important that we ensure that we 're involved in er managing our own pension sch p pension funds , and therefore we should be pushing through demands of the er th the , the charter for pension fund democracy , and ensuring er that the government actually listens to what we 're saying , and actually er comes up with answers why we can not have the right to control our pay cos I can I ca n't see an any reason that they come back and say why democracy , why they ca n't , why , why they wo n't allow us to have a greater say and control our own pension funds and that 's I think is a legitimate demand that we should be campaigning for , up and down the country .
20 Er we feel that it 's very important that we do have an additional ten so that er what before next day to Royston and initially on a temporary basis erm for at er er Watford so we address the problems in those areas .
21 They may need to go out in pairs which is why I think that we do need to put more money into the budget to provide this service and make sure that we 're doing it in the best possible way , erm so I mean I think that it 's very important that we 're consistent about this .
22 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
23 Speaking as someone with a job I 've got to be very careful about giving advice to people who are in a much worse situation than myself , but from the research we did erm it is clear that it 's very important erm not just to sink in and dwell on your problems , not just to erm stay at home , not meeting other people , not engaging in activities .
24 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
25 The point I made to half , and now I 'll make it again to the whole , yesterday , was that it 's very important to , to define your roles in a particular thing .
26 That 's highlighting , I guess , one of the points Sue made , that it 's very important when you answer the telephone in the O U P to say exactly who you are , or which department you work in , or something to do with your identity on the phone , because in the system , you could see that if Anthea now diverted her phone to 3434 , you want to call 3485 and you 'll get 3434 .
27 NCD 's share shows no sign of slipping , says Greg Blatnik of the X Business Group , even though the system vendors are all likely to increase their share — one reason might be that it 's more important for NCD systems to work with a variety of hosts — Peter Wellings of NCD 's UK distributor Xanadu claims that DEC , for instance , has had its X-terminal success mostly confined to existing DEC installations .
28 It 's quite im It 's quite important in the same way , that it 's quite important that we have so few women M Ps .
29 It is difficult to persuade people who are eagerly straining to learn to speechread that it is also important to learn how to stop .
30 Porter argues that it is also important to distinguish between experience-curve ( learning-by-doing ) effects and reduction of costs through economies of scale , i.e. the reduction achievable in any one period by increasing efficiency through the use of larger production plants , thereby spreading infrastructure costs over more units of output .
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