Example sentences of "that [verb] i [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When I think of love or beauty or gardens , the images that moved me in my everyday life appear again and I feel the same sensations as when I first found them .
2 It may have been the horse that roused me from my sleep .
3 It 's very difficult to put a finger on what it was that attracted me about him .
4 It 's you that told me about him was n't it ?
5 I turned to go into the house , made with great difficulty the three or four steps that separated me from my room , and felt my arms and legs burning , also my body .
6 The breach that separated me from my past gaped open .
7 The only thing that surprised me after our painful , taciturn lunch was the astonishing enthusiasm and goodwill he displayed on my departure .
8 And when I arrived in Lanyon 's house , I took the dose of the drug that returned me to my normal appearance .
9 I detest the armoured , air-conditioned truck that deprived me of my final opportunity to desecrate the holy relic that is ‘ Guernica ’ .
10 I felt that he and I were the same sort of person , that there was something in my brain and heart , in my blood and bone , that connected me to him for ever .
11 " Busy people are never too busy to do what they know to be important " was the challenging comment that brought me under his spell and a bit later into the ranks of his followers .
12 ‘ It was thinking I 'd lost you that brought me to my senses .
13 ‘ I suppose , ’ he murmured , ‘ that brought me to my senses .
14 My first example would sound like this : ‘ The trade balance is One BILL ION Pounds in the red … ’ — pronounced ‘ bill -yun ’ with a strange rising cadence that reminds me of nothing more than Leslie Crowther : ‘ A bill -yun pounds — come on down ! ! ! ’
15 I destroyed everything that reminded me of her : photographs , mementoes .
16 I had a conversation the other day with Con that reminded me of what I used to be , before I got corrupted by this place .
17 It needs to be done now and it 's going to cost us more if we leave it till later , on that point I ca n't agree with your budget , so , I 'm afraid , it 's roads that put me against it .
18 The thing , two things that struck me about it , one of which is that we were not talking about a separate soundtrack , the actual existing soundtrack of the film is merged with the audio description
19 There were the usual number of new faces to get used to , but they all seem a bit vague to me now , except of course for the one face that greeted me on my arrival in the Guard Room .
20 But Eubank had only harsh words for Piper saying : ‘ The only thing that impressed me about him was that you could see he was thinking about what he was doing .
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