Example sentences of "that [verb] [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 Only take registered cabs home , i.e. ones that display licences in the cab and that can be telephoned to book your ride .
2 The firm that made carpets in the old factory in the early nineteenth century went bankrupt , but the industry was revived later .
3 Molloy and Carroll address this issue on the basis of their transbinary data and conclude that NSE students in the universities not only out-performed SE students in these institutions , but also out-performed NSE students in the polytechnics and colleges .
4 Conventional wisdom suggests that agreed takeovers in the financial services sector are preferable since they tend to avoid mass defections of staff in the target company .
5 The technique depends on a highly selective etchant solution that etches patterns in the thin film of material used to insulate layers of superconductor in the thin films of material used to insulate layers of superconductor and stops when the superconducting is reached .
6 discount is another concession that exposes flaws in the tax .
7 Certainly , the reaction from analysts has on the whole been favourable — although there are some cynical rumblings in the press over the timing of a restatement that boosted profits in the midst of a recession .
8 He scored the first goal that put Spurs in the final , inspired them to victory , then went off after 60 minutes … job done .
9 He says that the skill shortages that followed cut-backs in the 1979–81 recession forced industry to recognise the importance of training .
10 In the centre of the layer this transport is brought about by the first term of eqn ( 22.11 ) : essentially just the fact that rising currents in the convection are typically hotter than falling ones .
11 Although abstract in conception , the paper addresses questions that resource managers in the personal social service must address — how much should be spent on older people as compared to children , and what rational principles underlie the decision .
12 There is ample evidence that pay levels in the NHS are too low and that there are insufficient rewards .
13 Posts in Britain were normally filled in this way , and people in London would have said that appointing officials in the colonies in a different way would have implied that the colonies were not a normal part of the British structure of government , People in America would have replied that the colonial structure of government was different in one important way because the colonists paid the taxes for these official salaries .
14 She said there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called … bromeliads , I think , and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and once you know the world is full of things like that your life is never the same . ’
15 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
16 A government report in 1959 made recommendations that influenced developments in the training of social work staff of this kind .
17 Company fleet buyers are said to have been holding back , pondering the result of a value added tax case that removed obstacles in the way of offering cash rather than the car perk .
18 In ( 8.12 ) we assume that simple interest and not compound interest is used ( otherwise we would need to use ( 1 + r ) T ) and that carry costs in the cash market are proportional to price .
19 Just a few yards north of the inn is a farm that serves teas in the summer .
20 None of the overpayments were to companies that had directors in the second category .
21 Australian soil scientists claim that draining wetlands in the Pacific region triggers the release of lethal quantities of sulphuric acid and aluminium hydroxide into coastal rivers and estuaries , threatening fish and other marine life .
22 First , the factors that explain differences in the response of enterprises to similar environmental pressures ( in Weaver 's study , the crisis of private railways in North America ) can be identified .
23 Scholars studying popular culture have paid close attention to crafts , recognizing occupational traditions and customs that have origins in the middle ages .
24 The government argued that reducing distortions in the labour market by cutting income tax would lead to efficiency gains that would far outweigh the valuation that society should put on a more equal income distribution .
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