Example sentences of "that [noun] could not be " in BNC.

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1 The setting up of the secret camp and the training of the men was a blind and a cover to fool Medoc , and people who said lugubriously that Medoc could not be fooled did not know what they were talking about .
2 The Formalist strategy for dealing with the problem of definition not only had the virtue of ensuring that literature could not be reduced to anything else , but proved also to be immensely productive in the elaboration of every aspect of Formalist theory .
3 It had been learnt that progress could not be made if a member state objected strenuously to a particular part of a programme .
4 McCartney , on a concert tour with her husband in Australia , said in an interview that Keating could not be a good leader if he was involved in ‘ murdering animals . ’
5 He attacked Security Minister Michael Mates ' warning that protection could not be guaranteed for everybody .
6 Freud thought that communism could not be established over the world as a whole without a great deal of bloodshed , and that even then , although the human potential for brutality and killing may be less , it would not disappear entirely .
7 After potential topics were tentatively divided into meanings and non-meanings , it soon became clear that meanings could not be included into the range of possible existents .
8 They argued that decentralization could not be divorced from the increasing pressures which industry was facing , nor indeed from deindustrialization itself : that while location factors might indicate why movement took place from area A to area B rather than from area Y to area Z ( though the technical arguments above disputed even that ) , they gave no help in explaining why there was movement in the first place .
9 Lord Keith held that the distinction between evidence and discovery was recognised both in the Act and in Article 23 of the Convention ; it was not disputed by counsel that effect could not be given to a request merely seeking discovery .
10 Tom told himself that beggars could not be choosers and if he jibbed at playing the flute in this company he could always sing .
11 The senate decreed that B could not be asked to institute C heir : yet it appeared that in this way A had asked that B should make over A 's estate to C , that is to make over to him whatever B had obtained from A 's estate .
12 In the absence of any relevant authority he went on to hold for two reasons that B could not be required , after he had been cautioned and charged , to furnish the information .
13 In the book itself he carried through this programme by asserting that theology could not be dictated to by another discipline either about the nature of its object or about the methods appropriate to its study .
14 They complained loudly that targets could not be reached , but sometimes I detected whispers passing from one woman to another .
15 Seeing that Teclis could not be dissuaded , the High Loremaster gifted him with the War Crown of Saphery and let him go .
16 Opponents rejected natural selection outright and revived pre-Darwinian theories such as Lamarckism and saltationism as the basis for their claim that evolution could not be the totally haphazard process depicted by Darwin 's theory .
17 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
18 Unionist fears were based overwhelmingly on ignorance , in isolation from working-class attitudes at home and in the trenches , and on the certainty that things could not be the same again .
19 The singular virtue of action-research is that things could not be left at that — it was necessary to go on and do something about it all .
20 She wanted to cuddle against him , to feel his body warm and aroused against hers once again , but instinct told her that things could not be as simple as that .
21 Although only a few of the sources of political controversy of the time have been touched upon , enough has been said to demonstrate that people could not be immune from the implications of political decisions taken at Westminster or St James 's .
22 His long-held belief that spinners could not be trusted had been vindicated , and from now on Test cricket would take on a new dimension .
23 The fact is that Mr Kinnock and his friends understand well enough not only that they could not be elected but that Britain could not be governed without some serious accommodations of the kind they now stand for .
24 In the cyclic natural scheme of things some kind of decay is essential , otherwise not only would the earth be cluttered with the stems of most of the plants which have ever lived , but most of the world 's supply of carbon would be locked up in cellulose so that life could not be carried on .
25 In this instance Schuman described Vietnam in terms of financial and military haemorrhage , a burden that France could not be expected to carry indefinitely and one which threatened her ability to meet European defence commitments .
26 One might think that matter could not be compressed that far .
27 The MPLA-PT insisted that it could not formally recognize UNITA until the Constitution had been revised , and that elections could not be held for several years until a census and electoral rolls had been drawn up .
28 It is clear that many Opposition Members , and possibly some Conservative Members , have received letters telling us that claims could not be paid because a bill board had been placed in the social security office .
29 I realised that that was an absurdity … after the evidence that India could not be part of the same political system , I still believed for a short time that an Empire of positions — that is to say the possession of points of communication around the globe — gave a significance to this country and a tenable and lasting position .
30 He was told in meetings with the President of the Commission , Jacques Delors ( who had visited Warsaw on Nov. 18 , 1989 ) and the External Relations Commissioner , Frans Andriessen that Poland could not be promised full EC membership in the immediate term .
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