Example sentences of "that [noun] [vb mod] be made " in BNC.

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1 The lower price is quoted on the understanding that payment will be made in cash and that no receipt or other record of the transaction will be issued .
2 But I am sure you are aware that plans must be made . ’
3 This might appear contrary to the idea of keeping systems thinking and real-world aspects separate , but it can provide a compromise that ensures that progress can be made ; however , such compromises should be recognised as such and not made as a matter of course .
4 We hope that progress will be made on the difficult task of working this material into the education of the less academically inclined pupils who would benefit most from money management education .
5 Jacobs felt that progress must be made through the four powers or the UN if the American position was to be viable .
6 Pilger was worried by the descriptions of Sutton 's Beechwood performance , but was more concerned that progress should be made on his list of key editorial appointments .
7 During 1964–65 , Hayes received a number of reports that attempts would be made to free Blake .
8 Note that attempts will be made wherever possible to conciliate between solicitor and client where the client is dissatisfied with the solicitor 's charges , and the dispute has not been resolved under the firm 's internal PR15 procedure .
9 He stressed that attempts should be made to minimise any hardship they might experience to the greatest extent possible , as long as these did not prejudice the children 's best interests .
10 Yemen , which held the presidency of the UN Security Council in December [ see pp. 37870-71 ] , had proposed on Dec. 2 , through its UN permanent representative Abdallah Saleh al-Ashtal , that attempts should be made to " clarify the positive consequences " , including the lifting of economic sanctions and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the Gulf .
11 There was anxiety that judgments would be made about teachers ' handling of classes , based on too few visits .
12 The European Commissions Director for regional policy said that he 'd accepted the submission from Euro Cities that funding would be made available for urban areas .
13 The European Commissions Director for regional policy said that he 'd accepted the submission from Euro Cities that funding would be made available for urban areas .
14 With Fisher 's appointment as President of the Board ( having a seat in the Cabinet ) came an undertaking that money would be made available for such post-war reconstruction ; and the policy itself was enshrined in legislation to enable the kind of educational expansion within the continuing and adult sectors which had been at the forefront of the Newbolt Committee 's deliberations.5 In practice , however , such expansion was never enacted , despite the ever-increasing reliance of the universities upon state funds ( by 1931 they were receiving slightly over half their income from this source ) ,
15 chairman Ray Hardman says that money will be made available for Glenn Hoddle to buy players and he will wheel and deal as he usually does to get the men he wants
16 English merchants felt confident that money could be made out of settlements there , if only they could acquire enough influence at court to secure a charter to launch them .
17 The format of the tables is n't fixed for all time ; if you think that improvements could be made , write to Colin Urie at SCOTVEC with details .
18 In 1988 the District Council , responsible for maintainance of pathways , had said that improvements could be made if ‘ Spokes ’ , the Lothians cycle campaign , would supply voluntary labour .
19 Indeed the Lord Chancellor 's Department figures draw attention to the fact that solicitors make mistakes in court documentation and evinces the hope that improvements can be made in this respect .
20 It builds on the experience of the past six years while , at the same time , recognising that improvements can be made in the light of that experience .
21 It is a reasonable assumption that improvements can be made even to the best of schools .
22 In local authorities , the principal repayments were forced through the revenue account : the law was in effect saying that provision must be made annually for repayment of debt .
23 However , he gave broad support to the proposal that provision should be made for secure accommodation for persistent juvenile offenders .
24 An unmarried partner may agree with the surviving relatives that provision will be made for him or her from the estate , but this is not always possible .
25 With these redefined axes , McKinsey concluded that investments should be made in attractive industries where a group was in a strong competitive position and not in less attractive industries , especially where the group 's competitive position was weak .
26 But the Manx courts have now agreed that copies may be made available to defendants in a criminal case to be heard next year against eight people involved in the Savings&Investment collapse .
27 However , it is perfectly feasible to calm traffic without the use of the law in quite normal streets , provided that cars can be made to travel slowly and with consideration .
28 I agree that the appeal should be allowed and that declarations should be made in the terms appearing at the end of the judgment of Glidewell L.J .
29 It was hoped , he said , that funds might be made available by the county council this autumn so that work could begin but county would need a detailed report .
30 Will my right hon. Friend anticipate the Chancellor 's statement tomorrow to the extent of confirming that funds will be made available to ensure that our armed forces , although smaller , are even better equipped ?
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