Example sentences of "that [noun] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A recent report by an expert on occupational health , Tony Davies , found that mercury levels in the air at the plant were consistently above the maximum allowed ; there was evidence that skin contamination , including burns , were frequent ; contamination of work clothes was also common ; and staff were inadequately trained .
2 Marxist critics argue that functionalist accounts of the state are vacuous because they consist of citing the consequences of particular actions as their causes ( Elster , 1986 ; also note 1 , p. 71 ) .
3 In the system shown If the load is subject to a force F then , assuming that friction effects in the leadscrew are small , the work done in moving a distance x is Fx and this must equal the work done by the load torque at the motor in moving an angle a : but x and a are related by Eqn .
4 But the results with the other MetJ mutations demonstrate that side chains in the β -strand motif mediate recognition of operator sequences , and also that dimer-dimer interaction is important for effective repression .
5 What Cummins refers to is the dominant world view that shapes teachers in the classroom .
6 But it is still found that entry qualifications for the bureaucracy are disproportionately obtained by the children of skilled and professional groups , not workers and peasants , so the emergence of a new kind of bourgeoisie seems inevitable ( Barnett 1967 ) .
7 United is also arguing that employee concessions in the deal should be considered ‘ sweat equity ’ , reducing BA 's contribution to 35 per cent .
8 Another way in which reductions in stratospheric ozone levels may be partly offset has been suggested in Derwent ( 1982 ) , who believes that aircraft operations in the upper troposphere have caused an increase in ozone production .
9 • A US Government study reveals that car makers in the US have made little or no gains in fuel economy ratings for 1991 models .
10 This , as its name indicates , is crime fiction based fundamentally on actual police investigation of a crime , usually murder , for the same old reason that murder signals to the reader that the book carries a certain weight .
11 The PLO refused to accept government demands to disarm , even though the government had successfully disarmed militias based in and around Beirut in April and May [ see pp. 38168 ; 38214 ] , on the grounds that PLO fighters in the south were not a militia but an army , engaged in a war with Israel and its proxy South Lebanon Army ( SLA ) .
12 High levels of unemployment during the 1980s , for example , mean that labour forces in the older industrialised societies are not necessarily so expensive relative to those of the Third World .
13 The traditional view is that labour relations at the two companies have been very different , Longbridge having materialistic ‘ affluent workers ’ , Cadburys being run by ‘ paternalistic ’ employers .
14 There can be no doubt that nationality requirements of the type contained in the Act of 1988 are incompatible with the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality set out in articles 52 and 221 of the E.E.C .
15 The company claims that compiler enhancements with the new release boost the Model 720 to 66.5 SPECmarks from 59.5 and the Model 730 to 85.4 from 76.8 .
16 We will assume that exchange rates with the rest of the world do not change .
17 To anticipate the argument a little , my view is that consumption patterns of the majority of people ( not only in the Third World ) are ill-matched to their needs because both consumption and needs are generally dictated by transnational practices .
18 Remember also that cutting blooms for the house and dead-heading are forms of pruning , and the general principles should be observed , particularly with regard to leaving spurs .
19 The NDF , which wanted a nationwide truce , said that peace talks with the government would be useless unless Aquino set an agenda to solve the problems of US economic domination , inadequate redistribution of farmland , poverty and government repression .
20 We have seen that war leaders of the late Middle Ages sought the achievement of their military aims either through the devastation of the countryside or , in certain circumstances , by seeking to gain control of the towns and castles which dominated it .
21 While circling the field , he noted the grass facility was inundated with water and realized that landing Spitfires under the existing conditions would be a hazardous undertaking .
22 The cooperation between the factors binding to the 80 bp fragment and these general transcription factors is demonstrated in experiments showing that point mutations in the afore mentioned elements resulted in a strong impairment of transcription ( B.S. , B.B. and A.A. , in press ) .
23 It is hardly surprising that marketing efforts in the 1930s had typically concentrated on other appliances .
24 The Xerox team is not entirely sure why , but Dr Ziolo reckons that sodium ions from the resin are creeping into the crystal lattice and making it more permeable to light .
25 Although they might claim to generate 74 per cent of their own revenues ( see Playing by Numbers ( 2 ) , pages 12 to 14 ) , and in several cases have become commercially adept , it should not be overlooked that TCCB distributions to the counties , totalling £6.4 million in 1991 , is income of the highest quality .
26 This means that development versions of the modules referenced by the DC can be entered into LIFESPAN .
27 It is true that water levels on the Alaskan coast , caused by tsunami , earthquake-related tidal waves , have risen over three hundred feet but this only happens when the sea-bed shallows close inshore : in the deep sea , although the tsunami can travel tremendously fast , two , perhaps three , hundred miles an hour , it 's rarely more than a ripple on the surface of the water .
28 Another aspect of the debate on taxation and labour participation is the claim that taxation rates in the UK are higher in relation to those prevailing in other industrial countries , with the result that they encourage the professional and the well-paid to emigrate to other lower taxed countries .
29 The Johannesburg city council on Jan. 30 , 1990 , approved a recommendation that trading areas in the city should be open to all races , thereby enabling blacks to own business property and to operate businesses anywhere in Johannesburg .
30 You can be sure that colour predictions for the new season always include the rich and beautiful and brilliant colours of September , those intense rich deep tones which year after year we feel that we must use now , the lovely gold and mustard and chartreuse of apples and pears , the rich reds of berries , the deep purples and wines of plums and blackberries , the intense dark indigo of the Autumn night sky and the deliciously delicate neutrals of misty Autumn days — all there for your delight .
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