Example sentences of "that [noun] [modal v] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 You know in the trophy cabinet that Colin used to be in charge of
2 Everybody agrees that accounts ought to be useful .
3 Well I think that schools ought to be open .
4 Montano reacts to this inversion of the truth with the correct response ( assuming it to be true ) which Iago has elicited from him , namely that Othello ought to be told ; at which point Iago demurs , with the pretence of friendship : From that declaration , after the ensuing brawl , Iago has built himself a platform from which he can now act the perfect friend : As we alone know , to get the truth from what Iago says about Cassio one must simply invert everything he says .
5 Wulfstan simply says that warships ought to be made ready every year after Easter .
6 Handy accepted the appointment in 1977 as an alternative to joining the church , and his management thinking has always been marked by a belief that companies ought to be about more than performance and profitability .
7 Choice theories verge upon a serious contradiction with liberal philosophy to the extent that reliance is placed upon the principle that promises ought to be kept .
8 Unless the principle that promises ought to be kept can be shown to be compatible with the appropriate respect for liberty , it offends liberalism by imposing a kind of moral paternalism .
9 We find on close examination that those choice theorists who invoke the principle that promises ought to be kept in order to complete their account of contractual obligations ultimately concede that they are engaging in a form of moral paternalism .
10 The exercise of choice turns out to be sufficiently special to justify the imposition of contractual obligations because it meets the criterion of a moral principle that promises ought to be kept .
11 Yet the importance attached to this scheme of distributive justice by advocates of choice theory encourages them to ignore the contradiction which we noticed above between the liberal ideal of individual autonomy and the moral paternalism of the principle that promises ought to be kept which lies at the heart of their theory of contract .
12 There are two things that governments ought to be doing .
13 What Mr is seeking to do now is to raise a much wider issue , it seems to us , and that is that Skelton ought to be washed-over in its entirety with greenbelt notation .
14 It also made a number of exhortations , for example that Parliaments ought to be held frequently , elections ought to be free , and that free speech ought to be guaranteed .
15 The sections in the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 which give justices ' courts power to adjourn are : section 5(1) , adjournment of an inquiry into an offence as examining justice ; section 10(1) , adjournment of the trial of an information ; section 18(4) , the power to adjourn proceedings under sections 19 to 23 of the Act , that is to say the procedure which has to be followed where the information charges the defendant with an offence triable either on indictment or summarily ; and section 30 , a duty to adjourn the case to enable a medical examination and report to be made where the court is satisfied that the accused did the act or made the omission charged but is of the opinion that inquiry ought to be made into his physical or mental condition .
16 I believe that organisation ought to be represented .
17 The simple idea that resources ought to be concentrated in areas where unemployment is highest has struck home .
18 So you think that resources ought to be allocated on the basis of need of particularly populations , and an analysis of the spread of within the age groups , rather than on just on a sort of so much per head uniform way .
19 And somewhere through the hotel muzak lurks the sensation that things used to be different , that we ( my brother and I ) had n't always been wrapped in jumpers , silent , staring at the screen , that the days used to be hot and long .
20 Furthermore , the government ( Minister of Land , 1966 , 3 ) has not only sanctioned this growth when , as long ago as 1966 , they stated ‘ that townspeople ought to be able to spend their leisure in the countryside if they want to ’ but following a report of the House of Lords ( HL Select Committee 1973 ) has also endorsed and encouraged recreational uses when they accepted ( Secretary of State for the Environment , 1975 , 1 ) that ‘ recreation should be regarded as one of the community 's everyday needs and that provision for it is part of the social services ’ .
21 As a walker myself , I agree with my hon. Friend that access ought to be continued in respect of land that is disposed of by the Forestry Commission .
22 ‘ I think that people ought to be upset , ’ he wrote ; ‘ I think that life is so important and , in its workings , so upsetting that nobody should be spared . ’
23 He insists that God ought to be thanked publicly for his cure , just as any other physician would be in such a case .
24 The study also suggests that priority ought to be given to research which synthesises available evidence and arguments about key aspects of welfare policy , including the unit of assessment for the purposes of tax and social security , personal freedom and preventive health measures and the social responsibility for dependants .
25 It was not disputed that teachers ought to be aware of the relation between educational success and failure and the language children being to school , or that some teachers need to give a good deal of time to the study of reading .
26 The committee declined to accept the view put to them by the Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury that tribunals ought to be regarded as part of the machinery of public administration for which the Government should retain a close and continuing responsibility .
27 On the other hand , if the headtenant charges a profit element or management fee to the subtenants , the landlord may argue that profit ought to be taken into account .
28 They believed that society ought to be ordered , not according to how sinful men wished to live , but in accordance with God 's divine commandments .
29 For Tyndall , science claimed the unrestricted right to search even on dangerous ground ; like Goethe he believed that science ought to be lively , and that commotion was to be preferred to stagnation , the torrent to the swamp .
30 We do n't believe that pensioners ought to be forcibly transferred , they should be given the choice .
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