Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's true that this was not the only experience of ridicule that Ian faced in childhood .
2 Then she remembered that her therapist had said something about that , had said that it was not for Camille that Scarlet grieved in expectation but for herself and her own pain , implying by her tone that it was really most foolish .
3 Th there is erm a study going on to do with something called the British National Corpus which I do n't quite know what that 's about but they they want er samples of the sort of things that lecturers do in lecture theatres .
4 On the other hand , he points out that Devlin had in fact answered the question in the affirmative , and had justified this response by suggesting that , just as society can take steps to preserve itself against acts of treason , then so it may protect itself from attacks on established morality , for this too can threaten society 's existence .
5 If Parliament had meant to say that any distribution or publication should suffice , it could very easily have said so ; the courts are bound to make sense of the words that Parliament has in fact used .
6 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
7 The view has been expressed in some quarters that experience gained in implementation of the First Directive would be very valuable in carrying out detailed work on the Second .
8 Were these the woods , I wondered , that Kingsley had in mind when he wrote of Tom 's escape from Ellie 's little white bedroom ?
9 Another cliché that persists is that chefs work in contract catering only to avoid long hours and the tough competition of hotel and restaurant kitchens .
10 In doing so , they would highlight the various roles that money plays in society : a medium of exchange or of speculation , a store of value , and so on .
11 Zak cursed and said that Pierre had in fact been going to knock Raoul to the ground at a slightly later rime , and now that would have to be changed .
12 She wished that Fernando had in fact made fiery , passionate and glorious love to her on that blanket , because at least her body would have been sated and that would have been something at the very least .
13 These appear to be the assumptions that Musgrave had in mind : ‘ that the size distribution of income originating in various industries is the same [ or ] there is a random relationship between the distributional origin of expenditures on any particular product and the distributional destination of factor payments ’ ( Musgrave , et al. , 1964 , p. 201 ) .
14 There is now more awareness of the problems that methane generated in landfill can cause , and improved methods for detecting methane are now available .
15 Within two days of the discovery that funds had in fact been diverted , Poindexter was obliged to resign ; North was fired ; and the open-mouthed press descended like locusts .
16 Despite the fact that Hilton says in chapter ten of Mixed Life that the nobleman who is like Jacob married to Rachel and Leah will only become Israel " is verri contemplatif " ( 33.374 – 5 ) , if he is released from worldly responsibilites there is no ground for suggesting that he meant to rule out the possibility of the most profound kind of contemplative experience for the man in mixed life .
17 Although our knowledge of the physical properties of the Earth 's interior is at present far from complete , most geophysicists now support the idea that convection does in fact occur in the mantle ; whether this convection is solely , or even primarily , responsible for plate movement is another matter .
18 The third theme is to the effect that localisation consists in movement , or in a felt tendency to movement , either of a hand or foot to the part of one 's body touched ( Gardner Murphy ) , or of one 's eyes in the direction of the part touched ( Alexander Bain ) .
19 This paucity of information arises from the role that uncertainty has in quantum mechanics .
20 Dr Frank Weymouth Sailing Club , I would like to second the proposition that Messrs continue in office .
21 Via other programs , it is also possible to implement fax and modem sharing , a facility that Mainlan has in common with most other P2P network systems .
22 So said Freud , it 's no wonder that people believe in religion , because religion can provide you with a lot , with a lot of gratification , but the fundamental psychological explanation for this , says Freud , is that these feelings that religion gratifies in adult life , are transferences of feelings that we all had in infancy .
23 It is fair to say that scaffolding placed in front of premises is extremely detractive and the following amendments to this paragraph may be advisable : The right to erect scaffolding for the purpose of repairing or cleaning the Centre provided that there shall not be erected any scaffolding or other structures in front of or to the rear or sides ( if applicable ) of the Premises in such a position so as [ materially ] to obscure the windows of the Premises or so as to prevent or [ unreasonably ] interfere with access to the Premises by customers or other persons entering the Premises or in connection with the servicing thereof
24 From these observations , Hofmann and I proposed that plumes consist in part of deeply subducted oceanic crust and sediment .
25 I want to take seriously the suggestion that the sort of inquiry that Quine has in mind could be the heir to traditional epistemology — although I shall not restrict the concerns of the latter to studying the relation of evidence to theory .
26 The sententiae are still firmly attached to the view that trusts operate in personam , but they still know of the restricted real protection allowed by the missio .
27 On the whole , the evidence ( P.A. Consultants , 1987 ) suggests that companies located in enterprise zones have performed better than firms located elsewhere in the local economy .
28 The only thing that is certain is that Albie died in debt .
29 These requirements will suffice to ensure that issue costs in respect of instruments other than shares will not be charged directly to the share premium account but will be charged against profits over the term of the capital instrument .
30 As the novel progresses , however , it becomes apparent that Xorandor does in fact address many of the same concerns as Brooke-Rose 's earlier novels , and that her assumption of the narrative idiom of the popular novel and her mimicry of a childish language are carefully calculated .
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