Example sentences of "that [conj] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The USA responded on Feb. 22 with an ultimatum from Bush stating that if Iraq wished to be seen as meeting the UN resolutions it would have to make a much more rapid withdrawal and to comply with associated conditions .
32 The King had said while inspecting Saudi troops on Jan. 6 that if Iraq withdrew from Kuwait it could " escape further punishment " and that Saudi Arabia would favour a negotiated solution to territorial and financial disagreements between Iraq and Kuwait .
33 Mr Justice Cooke said that if receivers went beyond the point where they had completed their duties , they might be liable to account as trespassers .
34 He could leave her if there was a child ; and he knew , as all his friends agreed that night , that if England went to war with Germany , Ireland might remain neutral , but they could not .
35 I think that if Jesus stood in your school and looked around at the crowds he would feel exactly the same .
36 In 1700 Parliament passed the Act of Settlement , laying down that if Anne died without any surviving children , as now seemed highly likely , the throne should pass to her nearest Protestant relative .
37 Remember that if QDMs remain within 4° of the desired track QDM , no correction is necessary .
38 He ruled that if bondholders agree to a private swap of new bonds for old then their claim in any future legal case ( for example , a chapter 11 filing ) will be based only on the market value of their new bonds .
39 A report in the Middle East Economic Digest of July 13 stated that if prices held at the July 3 level ( $16.03 per barrel of Brent and $13.75 per barrel of Dubai crude ) then Iraq 's current-account deficit for 1990 would be US$3,500 million ; however , if the OPEC reference price of $18 a barrel , introduced in 1987 , was achieved then the 1990 deficit would be halved .
40 The main disadvantage of marginal costing that overheads are not included into product costs although it apparent that if activities classified as overheads were not employed then it is unlikely a firm would be able to satisfactorily produce the products .
41 The firm fears that if defendants appeared to be using an APT deliberately to evade justice , this would give the device a bad name .
42 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
43 This suggest that if manufacturers spend on training , it is difficult for rivals to achieve the level of competitiveness that will allow them to poach workers or markets .
44 Analysts said that if sterling declined to 90 points on the index or plunged significantly below DM3 it would almost certainly trigger an increase in base rates .
45 I replied that if colleagues agreed with him then we could forget about the whole review .
46 It can be shown that if m lies outside this co-rotation orbit then ultimately M and m will move apart , but if m lies inside this co-rotation orbit then ultimately M and m will move nearer .
47 While he is speaking about child deaths , will he confirm that if vehicles travelled at 20 mph , only one child in 20 would be killed ?
48 The whole point is that if power falls into the wrong hands it usually hurts the railway cause .
49 On the issue of United Kingdom participation in UNESCO ( the United States , United Kingdom and Singapore having withdrawn from the organization in 1984-85 — see pp. 33499-501 ) Mayor held talks on Feb. 28 with the UK Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , Timothy Sainsbury , and on March 15 the House of Commons foreign affairs committee issued its first report on reforms within UNESCO , indicating that if Mayor succeeded in reforming the organization 's administration , the UK should rejoin .
50 Now she realised that if Travis got to Lori her cousin would say anything to land her in more trouble , thus playing right into Travis 's hands .
51 On Russian television on July 4 , Yeltsin said that Kozyrev 's remarks had been assessed at the Security Council as " harmful " , and suggested that if Kozyrev wanted to " be a prophet like [ Eduard ] Shevardnadze , then act like Shevardnadze " ( a reference to the latter 's resignation as Soviet Foreign Minister in December 1990 after warning of an impending coup — see p. 37903 ) .
52 The plaintiffs , a firm of advertising agents , booked advertising on behalf of E , a customer , on terms that if E defaulted on payment the plaintiffs would have to pay .
53 After the 1915 offensives , the troops had come to believe that if Pétain called for an attack there must be some point to it , that it would not be a senseless sacrifice of lives in the way of those over-ambitious generals , out to gain recognition from the conquest at any price of a few yards of enemy trench .
54 The President suggested , however , that if Congress objected to the partial financing of the tax cuts through cuts in domestic spending , then he would be willing to countenance an amendment of the 1990 Budget Enforcement Act in order to allow reductions in defence spending to be used to offset the cost of the tax cuts .
55 Part of my thesis rests upon the belief that if deixis operates in a different way in lyric poetry from the way it does in non-literary discourse , it does so in degree , not in kind .
56 A program knowing something about people 's typical behaviour in restaurants is able to infer ( without needing to be explicitly told ) that if John asked for the bill and then left , he probably paid the bill before leaving .
57 Michael Slater says that if NT takes off both of these notebook chips could become significant players .
58 The theory is that if museums save on salaries and paper clips they will have more money to spend on works of art ; the reality is that they will almost certainly be saving on the works of art to make up for inadequate funding overall .
59 They can argue that they make their position on these things perfectly clear , and that if people vote for them then they know what they are going to get and have no right to claim that sabbatarianism is being forced on them .
60 Accepting that if people learn on the job then they must have demands and challenges in their work
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